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How would I get a child's tech. grade level changed w/ our district?

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This is the situation and it might not even be such a big deal. But, it's something I'm concerned about. My dd11 started school when she was 3 (PreK) b/c she met the cut-off at that time in MD (4 before Dec. 31...she has a late Nov. bday). She was thus a 4yo Ker (until Nov. ), 5yo 1st grader, etc. See where this is going? B/c she started early and just kept going (even though the cut-off has since changed and we've moved to PA), she is now a young 6th grader. If she had started in PA (where we live now), she would only be in 5th grade. We've never had a problem with her keeping up academically or socially, even when she was in ps. She was in ps until 3rd grade and then cybered at home for 4th/5th and now ind. hsed for 6th and on through high school unless our situation drastically changes.


Okay, here are my random thoughts. I see as she gets older that (a) she is very intelligent and can keep up in *most* areas academically. (b) she is a bit immature socially as she is still very much a "little girl"...with the exception of her obcession with HSM! © in many subject areas she is "on target" and certainly in the logic stage, but in others...she could really use that extra year, KWIM


Finally, my biggest reason for wanting to bump her back down a level is to give her that extra year before high school to really mature academically and socially, giving her the best chance for success both in high school and then in college. While I can push her and she can do most of the work...she also tends to get very overwhelmed. AND, frankly, why should I push her? For the record, her younger brother, ds8, started K as an "older" Ker b/c we were already in PA and he did NOT meet the cut-off of Sept. 31 (or something like that) as he has a later Oct. bday. Thus, he is a much older 2nd grader now. For him...this was terrific. He needed that extra time back then.


So, how do I go about doing this change? Do I call my district? Can this even be done b/c we hs? In ps, it would never be recommended to hold her back based on her grades. Ever. I know she'd be able to keep up so that it wouldn't be an issue for the district. TIA

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I don't know anything about hs-ing law in PA, so take this with a grain of salt. But maybe my response will bump it so someone with more info can answer.


Since you're independently homeschooling, I'd just call her whatever grade level you want. Here in California, that's what I would do. If you report to your district, or have to file with them each year or something, then you maybe have to notify them, but my guess is that you can just consider her whatever grade you want to consider her and graduate her whenever you're ready.

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By law, there is no need to declare grade level on the district paperwork. From now on, just include their names and ages on the affidavit, but leave grades off. Depending on your district, they may ask for a grade level or even take it upon themselves to assign them one, but you should direct them to this part of the law:


Parent/supervisor must file a notarized affidavit with the local superintendent prior to the commencement of the home education program and annually by August 1 thereafter. The affidavit must include:


a. the name of the parent/supervisor, name and age of children, address, and telephone number;


Notice there is no mention of grades. You can call her whichever grade you desire.



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That being said, I can imagine a school district getting upset if they thought you were changing grade levels to avoid including standardized test scores in your portfolio for a year they are required, but since that's not the case here, I wouldn't worry. There's a lot of useful info on this sort of thing on the Ask Pauline website. HTH

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Jen and Barb...thank you! That is exactly what I *thought* the PA hs law said, but I was not sure. YES! So, even though she had attended ps before and was actually in a "grade", I can still declare whatever grade I want? Oh and btw...it is not b/c of testing purposes b/c she has consistently tested above average or average in all subjects. I really just want to give her that extra year to really mature, KWIM. Thank so much for that weight off my shoulders! Now, I just won't tell dd that she is repeating 6th grade next year! Not that it matters with hsing anyway, but you know how kids can be!

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