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need a good grammar resource for teaching direct quotations.


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My son is taking the CAT, survey edition. He got every question right in the vocabulary, reading comp, and math computation sections, but did NOT do well in the language mechanics section. I'm not suprised, as he was in public school until 4th grade and never learned any grammar. This is his first year really studying it and it was overwhelming at first. Anyway, I checked and almost all the questions that he got wrong had to do with punctuated dialogue. He was missing the commas, not sure when to puctuate, etc. Any suggestions for supplemental help in that area? We are using Growing with Grammar right now.



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My kids learned those rules through copywork and dictation before they ever got to it in their grammar books. I'd consider going back to plain ole copywork for a time. Choose sentences with good dialogue from books he's reading, or a collection of Aesop fables. When the basic rules seem to be sticking well, switch to dictation instead.

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