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Help for Add/?

Guest ps127

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Can anyone suggest medical professionals? We just moved near Raleigh NC and need to find help for my son (10 y/o) who struggles with attention,executive functioning, core strength, fine motor function.


Allergy season has always worsened his functioning. Now that we are one of the worst areas for allergies his struggles are increased.He does take antihistamine.


My second question is has anyone seen anxiety secondary to their child's learning struggles? Any words of wisdom there?


For the past 3 years at the start of spring my son starts with circles under his eyes, then his executive functioning (ability to take verbal direction/carry out processes) goes down, and then he experiences anxiety. Much of school work is adapted down.


He has been tried on a couple of drugs for ADD, but were not tolerated.

Thank you for reading this.

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I wish I had answers for it all, but I can recommend a great OT for the fine motor/core strength issues. Sunita Murti-Gami rocks! I work in early intervention in the Raleigh area (for a different agency) & she just does a great job. She's done home-based services in the past, but I believe has a new clinic opened. I'll check on the name of it for you.


I wish I knew a good recommendation to address the ADD & the allergy stuff - sorry. I can give you a recommendation for a pediatrician that will actually LISTEN to your concerns though, if you haven't found one you like already. They might be able to point you in the right direction.


About anxiety, it sounds like your little guy has a different cycle, but I know that with one of mine, anxiety is actually what fuels some of the other concerning behaviors (loss of executive functioning, apparent memory loss, hyperactivity, impulsivity, reduced fine/gross motor skills). That's probably not the case with your son, but just a thought.


Good luck!

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My 10ds is the same way...we are in SC so I can't help you with a doc. Although I have a friend who suggested a great Neuropsych in Myrtle Beach...not sure how far that would be for you.


Anyways, about the allergies...I found this book to give me some wonderful insight...highly recommend...http://www.amazon.com/Healing-New-Childhood-Epidemics-Groundbreaking/dp/0345494504


I started by following Dr.Bock's suggestions for diet (removed common offenders) and supplements (multi-vit, Cod Oil, probiotics)...idea is to decrease the toxic load so that the immune system doesn't have to work as hard along with the seasonal allergies. Another suggestion would be to take him to an allergist...get the testing...and then based on his results look into doing the de-sensatizing shots. His life shouldn't be THAT impacted by seasonal allergies...you must act to calm and normalize his HYPER immune systems...it's working too hard!! Chances are if it's fighting other things besides air-bourne offenders that you may not even know about (which is why you see the add symptom behaviors.). Another example of this is that my ds started experiencing reactions to apples...pollen allergies, in more severe cases, can also produce an oral reaction to different fruits....he's had pollen allergies since he was 2 yo but the apple allergy just started over the last 6 mo...bizarre...


Hope he feels better soon!

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Dh has ADD and definitely has anxiety tied in. He is medicated for the ADD and he sees a psychologist for the anxiety. That works beautifully for him. His psychologist helps him to overcome the anxiety on his own, and the ADD meds help him focus and gets things done.

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Guest ps127

Thanks to everyone who responded. I really appreciate you taking time to give your insight. I am leaning toward trying a nutritional approach to healing. I ordered the book recommended and will check out the yahoo group!

Many Thanks!

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