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Hyperthyroidism (since someone asked)

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I'm about to share some research and LOTS of info (very overwhelming and long, as usual), since someone here asked me to do so. Rather than PM'ing her back, I figured that this might possibly be of benefit to others. Her concerns were specifically about Graves' Disease (which is mostly under remission now) and about iodine. So here goes. Please, if you yourselves have info to add, please do share. :) I'm certainly no expert. I just love to read a lot about health-related stuff.



Thyroid disorders are becoming epidemic.


The Nat'l Endocrinologist Society, and any decent endro says that "normal" TSH is below 3.0 (although some say that the TSH is very inaccurate, as you will see below).

The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists stated that doctors “consider treatment for patients who test outside the boundaries of a narrower margin based on a target TSH level of 0.3 to 3.0.”

Be sure you know what your TSH level is instead of just hearing you are in normal range.


Hyperthyroidism is when the thyroid is overactive, producing too much hormone. Its most common cause is the AI disorder Graves’ disease.


Hyperthyroidism Risks

Family history of thyroid disease

Previous diagnosis of goiters/nodules

Currently have a goiter/enlargement in my thyroid and/or thyroid nodules

Been treated for hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism in the past

Post-partum thyroiditis or hyperthyroidism during pregnancy in the past

Temporary thyroiditis in the past

Have another autoimmune disease

Are pregnant now, or have had a baby in the past nine months

History of miscarriage

Have had radioactive iodine in the past due to Graves' Disease/hyperthyroidism

Have taken anti-thyroid drugs in the past due to Graves' Disease or a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism


Hyperthyroidism Symptoms

Heart feels like it's skipping a beat, racing and you feel like you’re having heart palpitations

Pulse is unusually fast

Pulse is high even when resting or in bed

Shaking hands, tremors in hands

You feel hot when others feel cold. Feeling inappropriately hot or overheated

Increased perspiration

Losing weight inappropriately

Losing weight but appetite has increased

Feeling like you have a lot of nervous energy that you need to burn off

Having diarrhea or loose or more frequent bowel movements

Feeling nervous or irritable

Skin looks or feels thinner

Muscles feel weak, particularly the upper arms and thighs

Difficulty getting to sleep, staying asleep, or going back to sleep after awakening in the middle of the night

Feel fatigued, exhausted

Hair is coarse and dry, breaking, brittle, falling out

Skin is coarse, dry, scaly, and thin

Hoarse or gravely voice

Pains, aches in joints, hands and feet

Having irregular menstrual cycles (shorter, longer, or heavier, or more frequent, or not at all)

Trouble conceiving a baby

Have had one or more miscarriages

Feel depressed

Feel restless or anxious

Have had panic attacks.

Have recently been diagnosed as having panic disorder, anxiety disorder, or panic attacks

Have puffiness and swelling around the eyes and face

Eyes seem to be enlarging, or getting more "bug-eyed" looking

Moods change easily

Feelings of worthlessness

Difficulty concentrating or focusing

More feelings of sadness

Seem to be losing interest in normal daily activities

More forgetful lately

Hair is falling out

Can’t seem to remember things

No sex drive, or am having sexual performance problems

Getting more frequent infections, that last longer

Feel shortness of breath and tightness in the chest

Eyes feel gritty and dry

Eyes feel sensitive to light

Eyes get jumpy/tics in eyes, which makes me dizzy/vertigo and have headaches

Strange feelings in neck or throat

Tinnitus (ringing in ears)

Recurrent sinus infections



Severe menstrual cramps

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Today's environment makes it almost impossible to get the amount of iodine you need.

Interestingly, over the past 30 years, Americans’ iodine intake has declined 50% while thyroid disorders have significantly increased during that period.

Iodine plays a significant role in preventing hormonal imbalances and regulating the thyroid

Your thyroid gland needs iodine whether it’s working normally, is underactive (hypothyroid), overactive (hyperthyroid), or enlarged (goiter). Enough iodine normalizes all these conditions.


1. There's very little iodine in the soil. So unless you're eating a ton of iodine-rich foods like kelp, seaweed and shellfish, you're not going to get much iodine from your diet.

2. Many salt companies have stopped adding iodine to table salt.

3. Food manufacturers have stopped using iodine in baked goods and are using bromine instead. Bromine (a halogen) competes with iodine to get into your cells.

Unfortunately, many foods today (primarily baked goods) are loaded with bromine.

4. Our water supply contains chlorine and fluoride, both of which are halogens. Again, halogens compete with iodine to get into your cells.

And you can't avoid chlorine and fluoride simply by drinking filtered water. That's because you get a hefty dose any time you bathe, shower, soak in a hot tub, or swim in a swimming pool.

5. Most conventional doctors never test for iodine deficiency. They figure there's no need to test iodine levels when they can just test your thyroid function instead. The problem with this is that the most widely used thyroid test, the TSH, is wildly inaccurate. Reason: While the TSH measures thyroid hormone, it can't tell the difference between active thyroid hormone with iodine and de-activated thyroid hormone with bromine or chlorine or fluorine. So the test shows you have plenty of thyroid hormone. But most of the thyroid hormone isn't doing its job!


The RDA for iodine is 150 mcg. This amount was set based on the amount needed to prevent goiter. This amount will prevent goiter but it will not prevent breast cancer or its precurser fibrocystic breast disease or other serious diseases and symptoms linked to iodine deficiency.

Breast tissue and other reproductive organs require much more iodine than the thyroid gland. Many researchers now believe that you may need 100 to 400 times the RDI.

The average consumption of iodine from seaweed by the mainland Japanese is nearly 14 mg. They have some of the lowest incidence of iodine-deficiency diseases like goiter, hypothyroidism, and cancers of the reproductive system (breast, ovaries, and uterus).


Increase your intake with mineral-rich sea vegetables (agar, hijiki, kombu, nori, and wakame) at least twice a week. You can eat as much seaweed as you want. Brown seaweeds are highest in iodine. They include all forms of kelp. Fucus, also known as Bladderwrack, is considered to be the best for underactive thyroids. Hijiki and Sargassum are two other forms of brown seaweeds. Red seaweeds include dulse, nori, Irish moss, and Gracillaria.

Since toasting doesn’t affect seaweed’s iodine content, you can eat it dried or dried and toasted. Toast some in the oven or in a dry frying pan to see if you prefer that taste. You can also powdered seaweed to your food or add larger pieces of seaweed to soups, grains, or vegetables. Seaweed should be an enjoyable addition to your diet, not an unpleasant experience. If you simply don’t like its taste, you can get it in capsules.

Use 5-10 grams of mixed brown and red seaweed for thyroid problems. This is about 1 ½ teaspoons per day. If you’ve been told that your thyroid is borderline-low, eating seaweed makes sense. But remember, you need to eat seaweed every day or take iodine in a different form.

Not all seaweeds are safe to eat. Some come from polluted waters.

Be more cautious and talk to a naturopath if you’re on thyroid meds and want to try seaweed.


Use iodine-rich Seaweed Gomasio to season your food. You can get this from amazon.


Instead of using seaweed to boost your iodine levels, you might consider taking an iodine supplement. Iodoral is a very good one. Amazon has it. Read the reviews. There's also a related book about it on amazon.

Some forms of iodine are harmful. Iodoral is not. All of us need a combination of iodine and iodide, the two forms of iodine used throughout our bodies. Iodoral and Lugol are the only supplements containing these two nutrients. Lugol, however, tastes foul.

You may need 1 to 4 tablets of Iodoral, a combination of 5 mg of iodine and 7.5 mg of potassium iodide. Additional research finds that vitamin C improves the transport of iodine in the body, so it may be best to take Iodoral with Vitamin C.

Studies show that women who weigh about 110 pounds need at least 5 mg of iodine a day for normal breast function. If you’re heavier, you may need more.

Start off slowly over a 4 week period.

Take 1 pill for 30 days

Then 2 pills for 30 days

Then maybe 3 for 30 days

Then 1 in morning and 1 in evening for 30 days

Can then go back to taking 1 or 2 a day to maintain

Your body will know, and you should listen to it.

One Iodoral tablet provides 12.5 milligrams of iodine/iodide which is about the amount the average Japanese consumed in 1964 in their everyday diet.

Iodoral is the best way to get the recommended amount of iodine.

When we take 50 mg of iodine/iodide a day, it acts as an adaptogen, regulating various body functions.

After my body adjusted to Iodoral, I started to follow this plan:

Month 1: 1 Iodoral

Month 2: 2

Month 3: 3

Month 4: 4

Month 5: Skip

I also skip most supplements two days a week – usually on weekends to make things easier. I find it very effective to do this, since the body becomes overefficient and is not challenged when it gets used to supplements. I have found that supplements are more effective when you challenge them and do not take them every single day. I have found them to be far more effective when I skip an entire month or so, and take them again.

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Substances that interfere with iodine

Chlorine – present in most city water supplies – unless you de-chlorinate your water, you are being exposed to thyroid-lowering gases whenever you bathe, shower, or have a drink of water.

If you suspect a thyroid imbalance, install a High Output Shower Filter to remove chlorine. Emissions from hot showers can dissolve 50% of the chlorine and 80% of other carcinogens, like tetrachlorethylene and radon, in water. You don’t want to breathe or soak in these chemicals. One half of all water pollution involves exposure through the lungs and skin via hot showers and baths.

Add a water filter to your faucet


Bromide or Bromine – found in some pesticides – try to eat organic whenever possible

Bromide is even used in some asthma drugs

Mountain Dew, Fresca, and orange Gatorade all contain bromide in the form of brominated vegetable oils. Drinking beverages with bromide causes low thyroid function in some people.


These toxins are in our water, hot tubs, non-organic foods, and some soft drinks.

If you don’t have enough iodine, chances are you have too much fluoride and bromide. Sufficient iodine pulls these toxins out of your body.



While some fluoride is beneficial, over the years it can build up in the body and supplant iodine in the thyroid. This causes the gland to become sluggish, slowing metabolism and causing chronic fatigue.

Switch to a fluoride-free toothpaste.


Aspirin, blood thinner meds, and steroids can result in iodine deficiency thyroid problems. If you’re taking these, ask your doctor to check your thyroid function.

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Raw cruciferous veggies – Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and cabbage are actually fine for hyperthyroidism


Peaches, pears, spinach, and turnips are very good also – all of the above and these help to suppress thyroid hormone production



Avoid cow’s milk and as much dairy as possible for at least 3 months.


Limit bread with potassium bromate, bromate, or bromated flour –particularly processed baked goods


Limit citrus-flavored beverages, since they can also contain bromine – and other drinks with brominated vegetable oil or BVO

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Vitamin D3 is one of the most important ways to heal the thyroid. This nutrient helps the gland cope with stress and convert inactive T4 into active T3.

If you're under 50, take at least 2,000 IU per day.

If you're 50 or over, take at least 5,000 IU per day of vitamin D3.

Always take your vitamin D with a fat-containing meal to ensure absorption.

Your need for vitamin D3 is affected by age, skin color, and the severity of any deficiency


Guggul and Manjistha help detoxify the thyroid by stimulating lymph drainage


Can also try thyroid supplement formulas such as:

Gaia Herbs’ Thyroid Support

NOW Thyroid Energy

Solaray Thyroid

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Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and environmental toxins – chemicals, pesticides, and pollutants – can interfere with thyroid-hormone production. Many naturopaths recommend a 2-week liver detox twice a year to clean out your system. They also suggest asking your naturopathic doctor for a heavy-metal urine or blood test to make sure your body isn’t overloaded with toxins from lifestyle and dietary choices.

Sweat out heavy metals and other toxins in a sauna or steam bath a few times per week. Start with a 10-minute session and increase by 5-minute increments to a maximum of 30-40 minutes.

You can also take a hot bath with up to 2 cups of Epsom salts and 8 ounces of baking soda to help draw impurities out of the body.

I would personally recommend at least one method of lymphasizing daily. Lymphasizing is amazing and essential for everyone. (more info to follow)


Airborne mold, allergens, and pollutants can play havoc with the immune system and may cause AI thyroid disorders. Use a good air purifier in your home.


Acupuncture can help resolve thyroid problems by correcting imbalances in the body. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, hyperthyroidism is due to liver qi depression and can be treated with the herbs chai hu and chen pi. I am a huge believer in acupuncture.


The rise in electromagnetic fields (EMFs) may be a major contributing factor to thyroid disorders – both hypo- and hyperthyroidism (more detailed info to follow).


Be cautious of two thyroid-slowing toxins that many of us are exposed to daily.

1. Triclosan – an antibacterial agent that inflames thyroid cells and burdens the liver, the organ that converts inactive thyroid hormone (T4) into the active hormone (T3).Check the labels of products that often contain the chemical – toiletries (antibacterial soaps, deodorant, lotion), clothing, towels, and cutting boards.

2. Perchlorate. This is often found in water-rich produce like leafy greens and watermelon.


Yoga helps many thyroid conditions.


Incorrectly aligned vertebrae can interfere with nerves that affect thyroid function. Consider scheduling a tune-up with your chiropractor.


If you are on thyroid meds – wait at least an hour after taking any thyroid drug before drinking coffee or tea.


Hyperthyroidism may respond less to holistic treatments. Even holistic practitioners sometimes say that it may be best to take conventional drugs. Personally, I would still try every holistic method possible for at least a few months, before resorting to conventional medicine.


Yet, it is recommended to avoid rushing into surgery and to try dietary and other lifestyle improvements first, for at least several months, if possible.



The Thyroid Diet by Mary Shomon

The Ultra Thyroid Solution by Dr. Mark Hyman

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When I studied beauty and massage therapy in Britain (many years ago!), the lymphatic system was taught to us endlessly and talked about all the time. In Europe, stimulation of lymph flow is the 4th most commonly prescribed medical treatment. Yet in the U.S., it is seldom considered and its essential role in preventing illness is largely ignored. Some of the organs that are part of the lymphatic system are lymph nodes and lymph veins, the tonsils, adenoids, appendix and the spleen. These organs are essential for overall health and wellbeing.


The lymphatic system can be likened to your body’s garbage can. A healthy lymphatic system rids you of toxins such as trapped protein, bacteria, viruses, dead and cancerous cells, nitrogenous wastes, fat, infectious viruses, heavy metals, and other forms of junk cast off by the cells.

Many people have badly congested lymphatics and don’t even know it.

Symptoms of congested lymphatics and blocked lymph nodes are many. Thyroid disorders are just one of them.

The lymphatic system needs help in order to circulate efficiently. Since it isn’t connected to the heart, lymphasizing (methods of boosting lymphatic circulation) are essential and should be done regularly and as often as possible. These methods help to cleanse you out and involve any of the following:

Lymphasizing involves:

Dry Body brushing

Deep breathing

Rebounding/Bouncing on a trampoline (children love to bounce on beds!)


Swinging – as in sitting on a swing :D (again, think why children love swings. They know what's good for them!)


This is not to say that these methods will definitely cure every health problem, but they certainly cannot hurt and may prove very beneficial. I know, from my own personal experience, that they have really helped me.

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DRY BODY BRUSHING (skin brushing) helps to get rid of toxins from the body’s largest eliminatory organ, the skin. Some of its many benefits:

Improves lymphatic drainage and detoxification – helping to carry toxins and waste products out of the body

Increases energy in a big way!

Helps to really take care of your skin – your skin starts to glow and becomes more smooth and less rough - dry skin is nourished.

Breaks up fatty deposits and helps areas of cellulite

Stimulates circulation and blood flow to increase nutrient delivery to cells

Assists in exfoliation – removing dead, dry skin cells

Feels fabulous!

Great for preparing the skin before shaving, waxing, or other hair removal methods – also great a few days after – helping with possible ingrown hairs


Dry body brushing is really quite simple and takes about 3-7 minutes every morning. I usually have a song playing and brush from the song’s start to finish.

Brush either before a workout or before a shower – whichever comes first.

The main lymph nodes are located in the groin, the armpits, the neck and the chest.

Start with the soles of your feet and work your way up. Brush all over – your feet, up your legs, up your stomach to your breasts, over your buttocks, to your waist, your neck and chest area. You don’t have to do the entire body every day. I prefer to focus on different areas each day – upper body or lower body – due to time limitations.

Use circular or long sweeping motions – do whatever works best for you.



The lymphatic system is different to the heart. The heart pumps blood continually regardless. Lymph circulation, however, depends entirely on our own efforts. If we don’t move enough and if we sit around a lot, our lymph (metabolic garbage container) won’t be emptied and our cell’s trash cans start to overflow. All that waste and build-up of toxins can lead to poor health – swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, sinus congestion, headaches, and the list goes on.

The absolute best exercise for lymph circulation is rebounding/jumping on a min-trampoline. Rebounding has a ton of other benefits also.

Start by bouncing gently for at least five minutes a day – working up to 20 if you can.

I asked a very good friend, someone who knows so much about natural health, as to what is one of the best things I can do for my health. Her answer: daily rebounding. She does it every single day. I can’t say that I always do, but I am trying!

There are many places to get a good rebounder. You can read reviews on amazon. I love the ones from http://www.healthbounce.com/ - although they do tend to be more pricey. I think that you do get what you pay for and it obviously depends on your budget.



Breathe like a baby. Babies don’t breathe through their mouths unless they are stressed. Nose breathing produces a full, deep breath that helps calm you.

Breathing deep into your belly will:

Lie down on floor w/book on your belly. Inhale through your nose, feel the book rise, and hold for 4 seconds. Exhale all the air out through your mouth, letting the book lower.



Massage is one of the most important and effective ways of increasing lymphatic circulation.

I used to be a massage therapist and in my training, we were often reminded of all the amazing benefits of regular massage. When it comes to the lymphatic system, massage is one of the most effective ways of improving its circulation. The Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, believed that all physicians should be trained in massage as a method of healing. Lymphatic Massage is offered in some areas. If not available, any form of deep tissue massage is great. For those on a budget, massage schools often give discounted rates and are can be pretty much equally good. I say: treat yourself to a massage as often as your budget and time allows. You deserve it!


The lymph fluid moves through channels called "vessels" that are filled with one way valves, so the lymph always moves in the same direction. The main lymph vessels run up the legs, up the arms and up the torso. This is why the vertical up and down movement of rebounding is so effective to pump the lymph.

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EMFs are a form of radiation produced by:

Cell Phones


Wireless Networks

Cell and Broadcast Towers

Fluorescent Lights

Microwave Ovens



Bedside Alarm Clocks

DECT cordless and mobile phones

Wireless (baby monitors, Bluetooth devices, computer keyboards and mice, doorbells, headphones and speakers, even thermometers)

“Smart” power systems


EMFs are the newest and may be the most dangerous pollutants.

Odorless, colorless, and invisible, electropollution is probably enveloping you right now as you read these words.



Because the human body is 75% water, it is a very effective conductor of EMFs.


Numerous investigations suggest that even minimal EMF exposure from all those gadgets that make life easier for us can cause any of these symptoms:

Acid Reflux




Brain wave changes

Blood sugar imbalances

Blurry vision - feeling like you have grit in your eyes

Cardiac arrhythmias

Changes in blood pressure


Chronic anger, anxiety, depression, irritability, or rapid mood swings

Chronic fatigue

Circulation problems in the extremities




Frequent headaches


Hearing Loss

Heart Palpitations and Irregularities

Hormonal disruption

Immune system suppression


Lethargy that cannot be explained by overwork or anxiety, particularly waking up exhausted

Memory problems or trouble concentrating

Muscle Weakness and Pain (unexplained pain)

Nausea or chronic flu-like symptoms

Numbness and tingling in various parts of the body

Pain in the jaw or teeth (metal in the mouth—oral galvanism—can exacerbate symptoms)

Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) or earaches

Shortness of Breath


Frequent skin irritation (burning sensations, dry, red, or itching skin)

Thyroid Disorders – today there is growing evidence that even low-level radiation may have an effect on the thyroid. Thyroid disorders are almost epidemic. It is quite likely that the rise in EMFs in our environment over the several years is one of the culprits behind thyroid disorders.

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Researchers have linked living near electrical transformers, cell towers, military radar and communications bases, and even much lower-level power sources to brain tumors, leukemia, and other malignancies (including breast cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, and cancers of the bone, kidney, lung, and ovary).


A large population study in Sweden shows that using a cell phone for 10 years on the same side of the head increases the risk for certain types of brain tumors, which take 15 to 20 years to develop.


Research also shows that using a cell phone for half an hour a day over a 10-year period increases the risk for glioma brain tumors by 40%.


Another Swedish study showed that young people are 5 times more likely to get brain tumors if they use a cell phone before they’re 20. And cordless phones also emit dangerous radiation. Research finds that children’s brains absorb twice as much radiation from these phones as adult brains. Not only do youngsters have thinner skulls and smaller heads than adults, but their brains also continue developing during childhood and adolescence—only increasing their risk.

Radiation from cell phones is comparable to microwaves—like those from your oven. These kinds of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can penetrate kids’ brains.


After the 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl, exposed children started developing thyroid cancer sooner and in larger numbers than scientists expected. The rate of thyroid cancer rose an astonishing 2400%!

A review of thyroid and other cancer incidence and mortality among U.S. firefighters—who are exposed to numerous toxins through inhalation—reached the surprising conclusion that exposure to EMFs and radiofrequency (RF) radiation was, in fact, what raises their cancer risk! The good news is that this kind of exposure can be preventable through certain measures.

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Eat plenty of brightly colored fruits and veggies, rich in antioxidants and protective minerals to fight emissions that target your cells.


Foods rich in melatonin

Melatonin is an antioxidant hormone that has been shown especially effective at preventing free radical damage to cell membranes (one of the prime targets of EMFs),

• Walnuts

• Fiber-rich foods such as brown rice, oats, and quinoa

• Cherries—when tart—and their juice


Foods rich in magnesium

Since EMFs target your cells—the membranes in particular—you must ensure that you are taking enough minerals to protect and defend yourself from cell collapse, which in turn can create potential disease challenges. Magnesium, in particular, is a mineral that most of us are deficient in.

Dark Chocolate

Sea vegetables (seaweed and kelp – but make sure they come from non-polluted waters and are high-quality)




Wheat bran

Wheat germ



Brazil nuts





Brown rice



Collard greens





Dandelion greens



Whole Grains



Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and helps protect against EMFs.


Animal studies have also found that cranberries can protect brain cells from free radical damage, helping to prevent the kind of cognitive loss associated with cell phone radiation.


Eat more cabbage family veggies—broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale — to boost glutathione. Cabbages also contain caffeic acid, shown to reduce harmful effects from cell phone use.


For added protection, enjoy a daily smoothie that contains 1 to 2 scoops of whey, rich in the antioxidant glutathione, a potent scavenger of free radicals that damage DNA. Choose pure, undenatured and unheated whey protein powder to preserve fragile amino acids and provide optimal immune support.


Foods rich in iodine (as above)

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Melatonin is an antioxidant hormone that has been shown especially effective at preventing free radical damage to cell membranes (one of the prime targets of EMFs),

Start with 1 mg just before bedtime. Take 2 hours or less before bedtime. If this is not effective, gradually increase dosage. Melatonin dosages vary from individual to individual ~ and most do not need the highest dose. Ease into melatonin in increments. Some take up to 20 and even 40 mg.

Do not take melatonin every single night – a few nights a week

Do not take melatonin during the day.

When you awaken after melatonin-assisted sleep, you should feel refreshed – not tired or groggy. If you do experience grogginess, reduce the dosage.

Do not give to children

If you wake up in the middle of the night, you can take another 1-5 mg.

The time release version is best for people who don't just have trouble falling asleep but have trouble with waking up in the middle of the night.


Vitamin D3 is an ideal radioprotectant, even against low-level EMFs.

Take 5,000 IUs of Vitamin D daily (up to 10,000 IUs if you’re EMF sensitive, as a growing number of people are – but do not take 10,000 IU for more than 6 months at a time).

If you're under 50, take at least 2,000 IU per day.

If you're 50 or over, take at least 5,000 IU per day of vitamin D3.

Always take your vitamin D with a fat-containing meal to ensure absorption.

Your need for vitamin D3 is affected by age, skin color, and the severity of any deficiency

Don't be concerned that 2,000-5,000 IU will give you too much. With exposure to sunlight in the summer, the body can generate between 10,000 IU and 20,000 IU of vitamin D per hour with no ill effects. In addition, no adverse effects have been seen with supplemental vitamin D intakes up to 10,000 IU daily.

To this day, medical textbooks mention the risk of vitamin D toxicity. Yet, the scientific literature suggests that toxicity occurs only with very large intakes of vitamin D over prolonged periods (more than 10,000 IUs daily for longer than 6 months). Except in people with disorders known as granulomatosis (such as sarcoidosis or tuberculosis), little risk (if any) is associated with vitamin D supplementation.


Most of us are far more deficient in minerals than we are in vitamins. Since EMFs target your cells—the membranes in particular—you must ensure that you are taking enough minerals to protect and defend yourself from cell collapse, which in turn can create potential disease challenges. Magnesium, in particular, is a mineral that most of us are deficient in.

Calcium, magnesium, and many other minerals are best absorbed when they are bound to an acidic carrier such as citrate, aspartate, picolinate, or amino acid chelate. Minerals need an acidic base to break down and get used.

The most absorbable forms are magnesium citrate, glycinate taurate, or aspartate, although magnesium bound to Kreb cycle chelates (malate, succinate, fumarate) are also good.

Avoid magnesium carbonate, oxide, sulfate, and gluconate. They are poorly absorbed (and the cheapest and most common forms found in supplements).

Side effects from too much magnesium include diarrhea, which can be avoided if you switch to magnesium glycinate.

People with kidney disease or severe heart disease should take magnesium only under a doctor's supervision.


Being deficient in iodine, which most of us are, increases our risk of EMF radiation. Consider taking Iodoral.

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Try to use your cell phone on speaker mode


Check out the specific absorption rate (SAR) of your cell phone: The lower the SAR rate (like 0.5), the better!


Except in rare cases, do not let children under 12 use cell phones. Growing organs in children and fetuses, are the most sensitive to the effects of EMFs.


Keep your cell phone as far away from your head as possible. If you hold it 2 inches away, the signal is only a quarter of its original strength.


Avoid carrying your cell phone on your body, except when in "flight" or "off-line" mode. If you must carry it on your body, keep the keypad positioned toward your body, so that the battery pack faces outward. Don't clip the phone to your belt while talking.


Try to switch using your cell phone from one side of your head to the other.

A large population study in Sweden shows that using a cell phone for 10 years on the same side of the head increases the risk for certain types of brain tumors, which take 15 to 20 years to develop.


Text whenever you can to limit the duration of exposure.


Limit cell phone use in an elevator, car, or other enclosed space.

If you must use it in a car, only use it as part of a hands-free car kit with an antenna on the roof.

In a car, use a "car kit" that has an external antenna. Even if you buy a magnetic mount antenna yourself, and use a cell phone that has a speaker phone, or buy a speakerphone add-on device, this is WAY safer than using a cell phone inside a car. The metal body of the car reflects the RF waves, bouncing them around the interior and exposing you to more RF energy than if you were outside your car, especially considering that when a cell phone is in a car, it pumps out more wattage during your call.


Keep away from people who are using their cell phones and avoid using yours in the subway, train, plane, or bus.


For lengthy conversations, use your landline.


Always keep an eye on the bars: Don’t use your mobile when the signal is weak or when you’re traveling at higher speeds in a car or train. Go offline, turning your phone off when it’s not in use.


Cordless phones emit almost as many EMFs as cell phones and microwaves. Use a corded phone whenever possible, or, at the very least, use the speaker mode

The electropollution from cell and cordless phones irradiate everything within 6 to 7 inches.


Try to avoid wireless at home – WiFi means that you are being exposed to low-level radiation 24/7, or at least turn off your wireless router at night. Wired connections, such as cable or fiber optics, are much safer.


Try to avoid using a microwave. Microwaves levels within the kitchen can be significantly higher than those from nearby cell towers—and EMFs travel through inside walls, affecting anyone on the other side. Microwave ovens “leak” some degree of unwanted radiation. If you have to use a microwave, make sure the door has a tight seal and isn’t loose.


Electric blankets and waterbed heaters have been linked to miscarriages. If you have to use one, turn it off before getting into bed.


Keep radios, TVs, and clocks, at least 6 feet away from your bed. Battery-operated clocks are okay.


“Green” compact fluorescent bulbs emit lots of EMFs. Use the old-fashioned incandescent or LED bulbs for reading.


Plug your TV and other electronics into a power strip and turn it off at night.


Avoid all unnecessary tests that emit radiation.


Whenever possible, replace electrical gadgets—egg beaters and mixers, knives, pencil sharpeners—with hand-powered devices. Because hair dryers emit EMFs, invest in a wall dryer that uses a flexible hose.


To prevent the risk of arcing, replace light switches that are old, poorly made, or worn. Also remove dimmer switches, which emit broad frequency radiation, or at least use them on “high” or “low” instead of the middle range.


Bedrooms are the most important areas to reduce EMFs. Removing all electronic devices (even clock radios) and unplugging all electrical devices before sleep can make a difference.


Buy routers and printers that don’t even have wireless capacity so they don’t constantly put out a signal looking for a connection.


Move the baby monitor at least 6 feet away from your child’s crib.

Look for an older, used monitor with an antenna about 6 inches long—rather than the newer versions with the stubby half-inch antennas that operate like a cordless phone or WiFi.


Have a certified electrician check for electric code violations, loose connections that may cause arcing, and neutral wiring whose insulation has been pinched.


If your budget allows, consider consultation with a certified EMF safety advisor at http://www.buildingbiology.net

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Taking a hot bath with Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) is a good way to absorb and get much needed magnesium.




Dissolve 1 pound of salt and 1 pound of baking soda in a tub of water as hot as you can bear.

While in the bath, sip a glass of warm water into which ½ teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon of baking soda have been dissolved.

Remain in the bath until the water is cool.

Don’t shower for at least 4 hours afterwards.



Zapped by Ann Louise Gittleman

Technology’s Cure: Diet for a Toxic Planet by Sara Shannon


Unfortunately, few healthcare professionals have a clue about electropollution. Europeans are far more concerned about this problem than Americans, and one recent study shows that a third of German physicians associate EMFs with patients’ health complaints.


Sadly, only one country—Sweden—recognizes electro-sensitivity as a functional impairment. That makes obtaining an accurate diagnosis and treatment difficult—much the way identifying chronic fatigue once was. To find a specialist in environmental medicine near you, visit the American Academy of Environmental Medicine’s website - http://www.aaemonline.org/community.html

Or go to Dr. Rea’s website, http://www.ehcd.com to learn more about his work with EMF and other environmental sensitivity.

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Raw cruciferous veggies – Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and cabbage are actually fine for hyperthyroidism


Peaches, pears, spinach, and turnips are very good also – all of the above and these help to suppress thyroid hormone production




do we want to suppress thyroid hormone production?

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do we want to suppress thyroid hormone production?

This often confuses me, but this is what my book "Rx for Nutritional Healing" says. I guess when it's hyperthythyroidism, yes, one probably wants to suppress :confused:.

I guess, the more fruits and veggies, the better.

The less junk and processed food, the better.

The less cow's milk and white sugar, the better.

Just takes common sense. One of my very favorite health books - very simple and nice - "Food Rules" by Michael Pollan.

The rest is all just icing on the cake. I find it very hard to follow everything. You just do what you can. :grouphug:

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Lots of really interesting info here...


I know that also the use of bleach in cleaning is linked with blocking iodine uptake by the thyroid, so very important to minimize the use of bleach..


(forgive me if you mentioned this - didn't notice it while speed reading ;-)

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Lots of great information here. Thank you. I just want to caution the overuse of Iodine IF someone has an autoimmune thyroid condition. The iodine can really exacerbate the condition and trigger an autoimmune reaction against the thyroid. Now sometimes the TSH can be low due to overall inflammatory processes in the body as well as decreased dopamine and serotonin in the brain.




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The info you posted on magnesium a few months ago has changed my life! I no longer get headaches everyday.

So happy to hear this. :grouphug:

I notice a definite difference when I forget to take magnesium for more than several days or so.


Lots of great information here. Thank you. I just want to caution the overuse of Iodine IF someone has an autoimmune thyroid condition. The iodine can really exacerbate the condition and trigger an autoimmune reaction against the thyroid. Now sometimes the TSH can be low due to overall inflammatory processes in the body as well as decreased dopamine and serotonin in the brain.



Great reminder about inflammatory condition :). I just posted something recently on fighting inflammation. I think most of us on a western diet have inflammation to some degree.

Iodoral is a very safe form of iodine. Tons of reviews and info on it online. I spent a LONG time researching it. But again, someone with an AI may need to consult with an endocrinologist or physician for sure. Not all are enlightened or informed, however. Some are great. My friend's endo highly recommended Iodoral. It all depends. I think taking it slowly and listening to your body are key.

Obviously, dietary changes are essential. Not always easy to do ... :glare:

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