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MIL in hospital how do we make sure her bills get paid?

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My MIL had a heart attack on Sun. and open heart surgery on Wed. She is still sedated and in intensive care and will continue to be sedated for a few more days. Her condition is quite critical at this point and I don't know when she will be well enough to ask about any bills that need to be paid. I really don't want her to have to deal with the headaches of unpaid bills, late fees, etc. when this is all over but I have no idea how to take care of anything or even find out what bills she might have. Anyhow, anybody have any experience with this. BTW, MIL is single and dh is next of kin.


Susan in TX

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Are you within driving distance of her house? If so, I would pick up her mail regularly. If she is conscious, you should really get her to sign a power of attorney so you can use her checkbook to pay her bills for her.

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Are you within driving distance of her house? If so, I would pick up her mail regularly. If she is conscious, you should really get her to sign a power of attorney so you can use her checkbook to pay her bills for her.


We do live close by so we can pick up her mail. Unfortunately, she isn't conscious and won't be for at least a few more days.


Susan in TX

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If you've got the bills in hand & can afford it, you can just pay them either by check possibly credit card. They don't look at the who's paying, just the account # & amount. Did you hear about the man that sent his investment check of $90,000 to the water company to pay his g-daughter's $13 bill? 600 yrs of bill paid!! Obviously, they're going to refund the amount. :D

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