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Do you keep a diary/journal?

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I write in a journal that I keep on my nightstand. I usually do it at night while I'm in bed before I go to sleep. It can help a lot. I wanted to be a write-in-a-diary-every-day person since I was a kid. But I'd write my whole life story the first day, and then nothing to write the next day :001_rolleyes: Then sometime in February I picked on up and I've been writing in it off and on. You want it to be secret? Can't you tell your husband not to read it ? :001_smile:

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I have started several journals over the years with good intentions of "this" being the one I stick with. It has gotten so bad that the last few journals I started would contain some sort of promise to myself to keep at it. Of course, after a few weeks (or days) I stop writing and the journal gets buried beside my bed. Months go by and then I see a really cute notebook I just have to have, and I tell myself I will most certainly keep up with my journaling with THIS notebook. And the viscous cycle goes on and on. Good news is my dd gets plenty of pretty notebooks to play with...they only are missing the first few pages. She has even coaxed me into buying a certain notebook "for your journal mom", knowing it will be hers in a few weeks.


Maybe the next one will be the one I keep up with, maybe.:glare:

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I kept an old fashioned written diary for about 5 years but then got too lazy to be bothered with it. I'm far too paranoid to commit anything *really* secret and private to paper (or cyberspace) though. Nowadays I just do a couple of blogs, one for pictures and notes about what the kidlets are up to (that's the one in my siggy) and another one for notes on my own personal goals (restricted access, but mainly because it wouldn't be likely to interest other people - I still write under the assumption that it could get hacked into - I never rely on anything on the internet being totally secure, and I try never to type anything that I couldn't deal with everybody I know reading).

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There are just certain things that I would rather keep very private. Not anything that would ruin a marriage over. But...........


Anyways, I think I would like to write in one. Not one on a computer.


Funny, I still have my diary from when I was young, and was dating my husband. It makes me laugh. If only those were the biggest problems I had today!

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I have started several journals over the years with good intentions of "this" being the one I stick with. It has gotten so bad that the last few journals I started would contain some sort of promise to myself to keep at it. Of course, after a few weeks (or days) I stop writing and the journal gets buried beside my bed. Months go by and then I see a really cute notebook I just have to have, and I tell myself I will most certainly keep up with my journaling with THIS notebook. And the viscous cycle goes on and on. Good news is my dd gets plenty of pretty notebooks to play with...they only are missing the first few pages. She has even coaxed me into buying a certain notebook "for your journal mom", knowing it will be hers in a few weeks.


Maybe the next one will be the one I keep up with, maybe.:glare:


:iagree: But there are soooo many pretty journals out there! :D

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The journals I write in the most are the most difficult to read later. I don't write about my daily life and what's going on with me. :p I wish I could do those kinds of journals. I wish I could look back and remember all the little details I've forgotten. Instead my journals are a mishmash of emotion, usually directed toward various people, but they aren't labeled so I can't always tell who I am ranting at. It's a good way to get out some anger and frustration and even despair, but I always wonder what people will think of me if I died suddenly and they read them. My journals are not a complete picture of who I am. They are just a way for me to express some things I can't express in other ways. :)


I also don't worry about it if there are big gaps of time missing in my journals. They are for me, and long periods of time go by that I don't need to write.

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Yes, I find it very helpful to process things by writing them down. My journals are private and I have been writing them for years. I always have one next to my bed.

I tried an online journal but it has never clicked for me. I prefer the physical act of writing- it seems to be therapeutic for me.

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