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SOS Elementary Spanish users?


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I think I ordered the wrong thing from Rainbow Resource. I wanted a beginning Spanish cd-rom for my dd so I ordered SOS Elementary Spanish, 2008 edition.


Today I was reading a post on the High School board about SOS Elementary Spanish being a Powerglide course. Since I had read other posts from unhappy Powerglide users I really had no idea when I ordered it that the SOS course is actually Powerglide. (I've just re-read the catalog description to see if it mentions Powerglide, but it doesn't.)


I know that SOS Spanish 1 gets good reviews, but I wanted something for a younger child. Has anyone used this Elementary software and liked it? Is it really so awful, or would it be tolerable for a 4th grader? Or, should I just return it since we haven't opened it yet?


Thanks for your help!

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My dd used this and the French one. But, she was 5 (now 7). We have the 2004 edition. Yes, it is the same as powerglide but in cd-rom format. That is what the lady told me when I ordered it directly from AO. She asked me if I wanted it in book form or cd-rom. I have never seen the book form. Though I am curious if the book can be used in conjunction with the cd rom for reenforcement.


We really did enjoy it. Both the French and Spanish were set up like adventure stories which were very appealing to my dd. We did go thru it rather quickly which was a disappointment since it is rather costly. I do not think it had many lessons (6?) but it did have several activities to complete with each lesson.


My dd just learned basic vocabulary and very simple grammar structures. I thought there could have been more to it than the few lessons it had. If AO made a part 2 to the Elementary series, I would have gladly purchased that. That would have made the elementary program more complete. I think the secondary one is for 7th grade and up which does contain two parts/levels. But she is several grades away from starting that. So it is a disappointment AO did not develop a deeper elementary program. Does that make sense?


I had planned to have dd run thru the program a second time as a review since she is so young but forgot about it with doing Latin. Time to dig it back out again.



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I have sos elementary and it has like 65 lessons...Each lesson takes at least 30 minutes to complete. You sit and listen to a small story..then do the activities then answer the questions. It seems to repeat a lot ...so my girls seem to follow it. We just started...but they are speaking a lot already.


It seems to be the same as power glide french...but the lessons have the activities which make them much longer...the words are pronounced when you click...and the story is told to you.

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