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Algebra 1 - What should I use for a "crash course?"

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My 10th grader has done Algebra 1 but I am not sure he really understands it well enough to move on to Algebra 2. I have the following:


Life of Fred Beginning Algebra and Advanced Algebra

Key to...Algebra books


I also have Algebra 1 by McDougall-Littell

Saxon Algebra 1 (with DVD instruction)

Lial's College Algebra

Jacob's Algebra


Can you tell why I am confused? I am planning on him doing TT Algebra 2 this fall so what should I do? Should I just pick one and work through the summer or would he learn enough with Life of Fred and Key to.. books, which would probably be a shorter route.


I have thought of doing Life of Fred and Key to... books, then when we are done giving him some of the chapter tests from the other books to make sure he gets all the concepts.


Help, I need some help:confused: I want him to really understand it well but not sure I want to go through a whole course load at this time.

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I also have Algebra 1 by McDougall-Littell

Which edition? I use the 2007 edition in my classes.


Lial's College Algebra

I hope you realize that this is not an Algebra I book. This book could be used after Algebra II, either on its own or as part of a Precalculus course. Some people would call this "Algebra III."




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Which program do you think your DS will *connect* with best? That would be my suggestion.


We were in a similar boat last year; in 9th grade, younger DS did Jacobs Algebra, but I could tell he never really *grasped* it. (Older DS did great with Jacobs). So last year, in 10th, I had younger DS do MUS Algebra 1 in one semester, and then go through MUS Geometry in the other semester, which has Algebra review in each lesson.


That seemed to work pretty well -- doing Algebra with 1 gentle incremental program in one year, and then following up with a different gentle program the following year -- as least he seemed to "get" all the concepts the second time around...


Of course, doing Algebra 2 THIS year in 11th grade has been horrible, as the concepts go into more depth and get much more complex. Twice last semester we slowed down and went back and re-covered several lessons worth of material a second time, slowly. And then after Christmas break, we went back to the very beginning of Algebra 2 and watched 1 lesson a day and did review work before starting back up where we left off. It means we'll be doing Algebra 2 well into the summer, but I can see doing the lessons several times, and going slowly really helps him at least have a shot at "getting it". Thank heavens we don't have to go at public school speed!



Of the programs you listed in your post, the Keys to Algebra and Life of Fred would probably be easiest to modify as needed for an in-depth review. But only go with one of those if you think DS will really "get it" through that program. Well, that's my 2 cents worth -- BEST of luck, whatever you go with! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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We liked the Algebra Survival Guide for a crash course, by Josh Rappaport.


Oh, this looks great. Maybe something non-textbooky would be great. Sorry, I think I just invented a word.:glare: I think I will order these! Thanks.


We are doing some really meaty subjects through our co-op this year like Honors Chemistry and Honors British Literature which take tons of time. He loved TT Geometry last year but is struggling with Algebra. Maybe this little different approach would be great.

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