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If you love RS math, what else do you love?


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Rightstart is the first curriculum in over 5 years that we all LOVE. Not even "first MATH curriculum", but the first curriculum, period. I've owned many programs, and never could get very far because it wasn't workable for the family dynamic, or it wasn't a match for either myself or my kids.


But oh, the miracle of Rightstart. My younger son is loving level B, my older son is loving level E, and finally, *I* actually am loving teaching! (I actually think that it is working so well and my kids love it BECAUSE I love it so much, does that make sense?)


Now I wish that I could find another curriculum (history, science, LA) that works for a similar type of learner (or a similar type of teacher). I'm especially interested in core subjects for a 10yo as he is the one who is the hardest to accommodate out of all of my kids. He really prefers the "open and go" format so he can get back to his "fun" reading as soon as possible.


So...if you and/or your kids found Rightstart to be a good match, what else worked for you? We *strongly* prefer a secular curriculum, if possible. Thanks!

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Have never found a language arts program we're crazy about (even MCT - blasphemy!) But we love SOTW with AG for history, Guesthollow for an American history focus, and Elemental Science chemistry. Oh, and DS loves Life of Fred, which he doesn't exactly need with RS (although it helped strengthen his fractions concepts.)

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All About Spelling


I was just looking at this today but I haven't got a feel for what I'd need to get or where to start. My 10yo is a pretty good speller due to being an advanced reader, however, I'm sure there are plenty of spelling rules that he needs to officially learn (we've never done a spelling curriculum) and I could probably use the refresher as well. Is it something that people start at the beginning with, no matter grade level?

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GEMS science, plus kits like butterfly houses and simple chemistry

La Clase Divertida

Jolly Phonics/Jolly Grammar (obviously WAY below your 10 year old, though)

not a curriculum, but Horrible Histories (books and videos)

A concept or two of Moving Beyond the Page is good (we couldn't take doing it all year because the activities take a long time, but it's good for changing things up, and/or drawing out one unit for a whole semester and I like their literature choices)

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A concept or two of Moving Beyond the Page is good (we couldn't take doing it all year because the activities take a long time, but it's good for changing things up, and/or drawing out one unit for a whole semester and I like their literature choices)


Yeah, we still have several full concepts of MBTP which seemed PERFECT (I would have loved something like this as a kid), but it somehow didn't work. My son is very against going back to it (and we barely did any to begin with). He plowed through all the lit books because they ARE good and he is a voracious reader, but that was it for him. I've been holding on to everything in case he grows into it, but DH is now after me to sell everything and just get something else already! Thanks to everyone all the suggestions so far. I've been having fun researching new things. :D

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I was just looking at this today but I haven't got a feel for what I'd need to get or where to start. My 10yo is a pretty good speller due to being an advanced reader, however, I'm sure there are plenty of spelling rules that he needs to officially learn (we've never done a spelling curriculum) and I could probably use the refresher as well. Is it something that people start at the beginning with, no matter grade level?

I was going to say AAS also. You could get it for the younger one and have the older one learn any rules he doesn't know. I have a feeling we are going to love TOPS lentil science, too. We haven't started it yet though.

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