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SOTW editions


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Is there a place to go to read about the changes made in the second editions of Vol. 1 & 2? Are the first editions still worth using? (I ask after having just bought the book, ag, and audio on these boards....please be gentle :tongue_smilie:)


Is there anything in particular I should add in to make sure we don't miss anything with the older edition?

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Short answer- the changes are all cosmetic, so don't worry about it ;)


Long answer-


There are no differences in the book. Word for word they are exactly the same. There are some changes in font (setting apart the myths/bible stories in a different font) and upgrading the maps to better graphics. That's it.


So the CD's are very similar, just one is read by Jim Wiess (sp?) and one is read by a woman.



The biggest changes are in the AG. The questions, narrations, cross reference pages for encyclopedias, book lists, and activites are the same. But just like in the books the updated how things look. So the coloring pages and maps are much better done, although they often show the same scence or area it is just better formatted. The map exercises are slightly different, although not much. For the activites, if there are pages that the student needs then they are better set up. For example, instead of the Greek alphabet being inside the teacher pages with teacher instructions all around it, there is a wksht with the greek alphabet on it you can hand to your kid. Again many times the format or graphics of the student pages are much better done in the revised version.


We are using old book, old AG, new CD's, new tests, and new student pages. Sometimes we have a problem with our old map activies and a new map, but it usually works just fine.

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Thank you. That was very helpful! So, having purchased the old book, ag, and audio, if I splurge and add in a digital version of the student pages from php, I should have the best of the changes with the best of the second-hand prices? That sounds great. :)

Edited by SEGway
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Thank you. That was very helpful! So, having purchased the old book, ag, and audio, if I splurge and add in a digital version of the student pages from php, I should have the best of the changes with the best of the second-hand prices? That sounds great. :)


This is what I've done, and the coloring pages really are a lot nicer. It's worked great for us :).

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