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CLE or BJU for 8th grade English?


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We currently use Hake for English and Writing, as much as we like it, I don't think we want to continue with it. One year seems to be enough since it is very Saxonish in appearance and my daughter would like something more colorful next year.


So, between BJU and CLE can you compare/contrast the two?

Which do you feel covers writing better and not as grammar intense, especially with outlining?

I am looking for something to carry us all the way thru.

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CLE is also not Sunrise Edition (revised) after 8th for LA so I am not sure it has what you are looking for for the long haul. I think it is also much more grammar intensive than writing intensive. My oldest is currently doing 700 level and I am planning on him doing 800 next year but with Meaningful Composition or IEW for writing. I need to look at the high school levels at the conference before I know that we can use CLE beyond 8th grade. HTH.

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CLE is also not Sunrise Edition (revised) after 8th for LA so I am not sure it has what you are looking for for the long haul. I think it is also much more grammar intensive than writing intensive. My oldest is currently doing 700 level and I am planning on him doing 800 next year but with Meaningful Composition or IEW for writing. I need to look at the high school levels at the conference before I know that we can use CLE beyond 8th grade. HTH.

Thanks Marie,

I did not know Sunrise stops after 8th grade, That's a deal breaker for us since I think they use LifePacs don't they but rewritten for CLE. I know BJU gets less grammar intensive and focuses more on writing in upper grades. Thanks, they really helped.


Does anyone know about CLE's reading/Lit program? I liked the looks of it too, but how are the upper grades?

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I didn't realize the LA had already been revised. I know they are currently working on Algebra 1 to be Sunrise. Well, there you go. I plan on looking at it at the high school LA at our conference in April. I love CLE and the Lit looks good for highschool as well and it says Sunrise. Hopefully they will continue to revise everything. Thanks for looking. That makes my High School LA an easy choice as we really like the 700 so far. I understand one of the LU in 800 walks them through a research paper. I will post when I look at the high school stuff in early April.

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sounds like you are talking about grammar/writing specifically. You definitely want BJU based on what you said. CLE is very plain vanilla, and has lots of diagramming. BJU has diagramming also, but probably not quite as rigorous, and definitely more colorful. fwiw, I'm using CLE this year, with BJU lit. BJU definitely covers writing more thoroughly. And you can definitely do it all the way through.

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sounds like you are talking about grammar/writing specifically. You definitely want BJU based on what you said. CLE is very plain vanilla, and has lots of diagramming. BJU has diagramming also, but probably not quite as rigorous, and definitely more colorful. fwiw, I'm using CLE this year, with BJU lit. BJU definitely covers writing more thoroughly. And you can definitely do it all the way through.

Thank you! BJU it is

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