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Dog people - help please!

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My fil's dog has been diagnosed with diabetes. About 2 weeks ago, she started drinking a lot of water. She is 11, so her bladder can't hold all she has been drinking, and she has been leaking pee all over the house. We have started her on insulin, and a medication for bladder control, but it seems like this is going to take a while to get under control. After a week, her sugar has gone from 530 to 460. She is still drinking a lot, but a little less than last week, but her bladder still can't keep up, even with the pills. In the meantime, our 1 1/2 yr old male puggle has turned into a maniac!! He always has his nose in her private area and is constantly licking there. I can't keep up with the urine spots, and he is all over those, sniffing and licking. When the older dog lays down, he barks at her constantly, and has tried mounting her maybe 4 times in the last 2 weeks. At night we take him in the room with us, and he paces back and forth like a maniac, whining and crying, jumping on the door to get out and go to the other dog. This dog hasn't been neutered yet. Every time we make an appt., something happens and we have to cancel it. Is it possible that he is being confused by her scent and taking her condition as being in heat? His behaviour started when her bladder leaking started. Between managing the older dog's diabetes and the younger dog's behavioural issues, we are going nuts! We can't get him in to be neutered for a few weeks yet - all our extra money is going to the older dog for insulin and multiple doctor visits. The vet gave us a pill for the younger dog to make him sleep at night, but all it did was make him sleep for two hours, and then become a stumbling maniac. If you've read this far, thanks! Any tips on handling the younger male dog would be appreciated. He is usually a very sweet cuddly little guy, and they both got on very well together. I miss the way he used to be. Any tips on dealing with the older dog's bladder issues would be helpful too!

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Those reactions sound like the younger dog thinks the older one is in heat. The best thing that you can do is to keep them separated. He will act crazy until either she stops dripping or he gives up. If you have a crate for him that may help your sanity. He will complain loudly but the best you can do for the time being is to ignore him. Do you have a yard that one or the other could spend a significant amount of time in? Another option is to get a crate that can hold either dog and switch them out every few hours. The female may enjoy being somewhere the male cannot bother her.

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460 is still a very high blood sugar, so the diabetes is not under control yet. She can't control her need to urinate with it that high and will need to go outside very frequently (and may still "leak" even then). She either needs more insulin or there is some reason her body is resistant (many other diseases and infections will interfere with a good response to insulin). She may also have a bladder infection causing an urge to urinate -- it's more common in diabetics due to the sugar in the urine. I would recommend some further workup and discussion with her vet.


Her urine will taste sweet to your puggle. He would be attracted to that scent and taste and honestly, it doesn't take much to turn some dogs on ;). Neutering will probably (but not definitely) help.


There are "doggie diapers" that can help with both issues temporarily. But, ultimately, the underlying problem needs to be addressed further.


Good luck! Chronic diseases can be very frustrating. I have a elderly diabetic cat who has given me my fair share of litterbox trouble, so I sympathize!


ETA: She IS spayed, isn't she?? If not, the diabetes will not be controllable until she is spayed.

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