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Have you used the audio for kids for First Language Lessons?


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Not that my kids are having a problem w/ First Language Lessons -- they really seem to enjoy it and are doing great.


But for car trips I thought it would be fun to put on the audio for First Language Lessons. Have you used it? Do your kids and you like it?


What was the most helpful thing about it?





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I did use the audio companion with my oldest when he did FLL 1&2 and it was a great addition. As you pointed out: good for car trips, but also good for using the 'repeat' button when working on memorizing poems and nice to hear someone other than Mom's voice all the time! :001_smile: I recommend getting it.

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Now I'm inspired to pull it off the shelf - thanks! Alley, I'll let you know when we've used it - about the time your new CD arrives and you won't need a review. :)


We're in Northern-ish VA. Picture No VA, pass a few cow pastures, and there we are!


Are you in VA?

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