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I am ADHD I'm sure; I'm hsing 3 ADHD kids???

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They are all whip-smart. But the dwaddling and the distractions just seem so hard to work with - not just one kid - or even just 2 - but ALL 5 kids and me.


Currently, I just have 3 at home and I do about 1/4th of the work all or most of us together orally.


Anyone else in this position? Coping skills? Tips?


Lisaj, mom to 5 (one is at college; one at Christian High School)

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Read the book "_If I'm diapering a watermelon, then where did I leave the baby?" I didn't realize how easily distracted I was until I read it. It's so easy a homeschooling mom to just flit from one thing to another all day long.


I have found it to work best if I have a dedicated place for the books, for schoolwork to take place, and for supplies. No more hunting around for everything. I have found that it works best if I have a set routine to the day.


For things that I am reading orally, I allow my very inattentive child to sit on a balance ball or play with legos or playdoh while I am reading, and I have him narrate back to me what we're talking about every couple of pages to make sure he is tracking.


I have also learned to add more kinesthetic things as time has gone on: doing the arts & crafts things in the SOTW AG, doing science with experiments, etc. as that helps information "lock in" to his brain.


I rearranged my schedule so that I am available, sitting with them, while they do schoolwork. I can no longer start them on math, then go start a load of laundry. HTH!

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