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best Sonlight core?


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Definitely not for now! It just seems like people love some years and hate others, and I am so attracted to it, but only want to pick it up for the good years!


The problem is that no one is going to agree on what their favorite years are :-). We loved cores 3 & 4, and my kids really enjoyed the spine text, Landmark. Others don't like Landmark. Some people really love core 5. We really liked the lit. and readers, didn't care so much for the history and the core as a whole left us with a bad taste in our mouths.


None of that means that YOU will love cores 3 & 4 as we did, or core 5 as others do, or any other cores.


I will say, though, that SL chooses great books overall, many award winners--for us the lit & readers are 95% hits, and that's a pretty good track record. We're about 50/50 on the history--liked some of K, liked the extra books in 1 & 2 but subbed out the spine, liked all of the history in cores 3 & 4, liked some of the history books in 5 but really disliked some of 5...


Our track record with the history has me looking at other options now, but I continue to compare literature lists with Sonlight and order many of those because that's what really works for my family.


You can look at guides and samples online, read excerpts, hopefully get a chance to see samples at conference...but you may not know until you try it.


My gut told me ahead of time that Core 5 wasn't a good fit for us, but I tried it because we've used SL from PreK on through 4, and I thought maybe give it the benefit of the doubt. I really should have trusted my gut! But...sometimes it's just hard to know ahead of time.


My encouragement though...give yourself the freedom to fail, to choose something that's just not a good fit, doesn't work, whatever. Without the freedom to fail, you don't have the freedom to take risks, the freedom to succeed. You won't necessarily always pick winners...and that's ok.


HTH some! Merry :-)

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Honestly, I've loved all the cores we've done. We're doing 4 this year and did 3 last year, which are popular favorites, but I really enjoyed all the lower cores as well. I'm looking forward to cores 5 - 7, and then SL changes so I will be reevaluating at that point.



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We just switched to SL this year and did Core 1+2, which we are all loving. The only "downside" is that we realized about 8-9 weeks in that we were REALLY rushing through world history AND missing some of what makes SL so great. Unfortunately, it was too late to go back and start over at that point. SO, having said all of that, I would NOT recommend doing the condensed cores unless you are really in a time constraint. I have already been planning for Core 3 next year and CANNOT WAIT to get to it! Such great books in that core. :001_smile:

Listen to Merry - she gives wise and sound advice! And, for the record, she is right on the money with this one. ;)

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