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My college semester is going to be too cool!

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I had posted about being sad and restless when I thought I wasn't going to be taking classes this semester, but the dept. head changed his mind and ran the class. My first class was Wednesday night. It was *nothing* like I expected! I am one of 7 students and the only person still working on a bachelors. 5 of the students are from a specialized preparatory preschool (the director, assistant director, and 3 teachers). The last student has a degree but is taking the classes to be certified in Montessori.


Our classroom is a model Montessori room. It's so awesome! Besides learning about the materials in the infant/toddler room, we'll be learning about development starting from conception. Oh my, there is so much we'll be focusing on that I was feeling overwhelmed when I left!


I feel intimidated to be the only undergraduate, especially with half the class having taken the age 2-6 program previously. But everyone is super nice and I am going to look on them as friends from the start, meaning I will not let myself feel embarrassed if I don't understand something or make mistakes. I just keep telling myself that everyone will make mistakes! This goes against my personality so it's going to be a real challenge.


The other awesome thing is that the director of that preschool offered to let me volunteer in her school to fulfill my practicum hours since I'm the only student who is not currently working with children. The downside is that it is an hour drive and if I go early in the morning, I will be in traffic that would stretch that drive out to 2 hours possibly. That's a scary prospect. I'm waiting for the course professor, who couldn't be at the first class due to a hospital stay, to let me know the number of hours I need to be working with children to decide if I want to take her offer. I can see me doing it one day a week, but not more than that. Then I'll have to contact Montessori schools in my area and see if they'll permit a college student intern.


This is going to be such a cool set of classes!

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