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AAS Level 1 - step 16 & 17

trying my best

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I am wondering how long does it take to master that? I know all kids are different. But does it take "loner" to complete those 2 lessons? I have a feeling we will be confused for this first time....

It is when /k/ sounds spelled with C or K and when C is /s/ or /k/


Thanks! wish us luck! tomorrow will be THE day! lol

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I am wondering how long does it take to master that? I know all kids are different. But does it take "loner" to complete those 2 lessons? I have a feeling we will be confused for this first time....

It is when /k/ sounds spelled with C or K and when C is /s/ or /k/


Thanks! wish us luck! tomorrow will be THE day! lol


Personally I would slowly move on while reviewing it daily. I would pull the key cards and the phonogram cards K, C, and CK covering them daily at the beginning of the lesson. Then immediately after I would cover 2-4 C/K and 2-4 CK words. Once it starts to click I would then move it to the end after you did a little to move ahead. Then every other day, then out to a week, then just keep it in review loner.


For example, in moving ahead, you could do teach the new phonograms in step 18, maybe have them make the phonograms with playdoh. Great way to make it more multi-sensory and keep you from moving ahead too quickly. Then cover the new Key Card the next day. Then on day 3 cover the first 5 words. On day 4 cover the next 5. Then cover 5 "more words" on day 6, etc... That way you move ahead, but slowly.


Some kids just take longer to really absorb concepts and then apply them. A lot of repetition gets them there. Also try to keep it fun, even when they get it wrong. My dd, who knows better, spelled kent instead of cent the other day. I responded, "Are you sure that is Kent? I don't think he looks like a penny." She was in giggles and corrected it. You can also ask them if they can "picture" it in their minds once they have spelled it correctly to build visual memory.



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Totally going to depend. DD1 memorized it in minutes and even applied it to reading days later...every child is different. You can certainly move on and leave those cards in the "review" section though! It might just take more long-term review to cement that rule, and that's ok. It is reviewed again in the beginning of Level 2. :)

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