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Annual testing ideas???


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we dont have to test as a requirement, but i have always done it to get a good feel of what the girls know and what we need to work on over the summer and or change for the fall. we usually pay for the online testing services... but in and effort to save a bit of money this year, i wanted to see what other alternatives there are. my girls are in 4th and 6th and basically i just need to cover math and language arts really.


shoot me some ideas!! :lurk5: thanks!

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I don't know about price because our umbrella school covers the testing, but we use MAP (measure of academic progress). It is a continuous scale (scores should increase as ability increases) which allows you to easily look at progress over time. It also gives you a percentile score. We use it for Math, Reading, and Language Usage. The test is computer-based, and adaptive. This means that if your student answers a question correctly they receive increasingly harder questions. This is so they accurately assess the upper range of the students ability. We have been in two different states and three different settings (public, home, charter) in 4 years and all settings used MAP testing.

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