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Iowa Basic Test for 2nd Grade


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Are 2nd grade students required to read everything for themselves on the Iowa Basic test? My son has been slower in his reading skills. We're working through a practice book right now to familiarize him with the format of the test. On a couple of the questions, an unfamiliar word will stump him and he'll be unable to figure out the correct answer. He reads on the same level as many of his public school friends, so I really don't think he's "behind". Just concerned that his performance on the test will not accurately measure his understanding of concepts. This is our first year in a state that requires tests scores to be submitted (VA) so we have to do them.


Thanks for any insight...


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I do it for my homeschool group so, I have a classroom size amount of children. It takes me a while to get through the test because I like to make the children feel comfortable. I read most things twice except the listening skills because they have to pay attention. So, I read even the math except the computation section. That is timed and done on their own. Some children read ahead. They will go ahead, but everyone pretty much follows along as I read it to them. I am one of the test administrators for the group. I test the second grade group.





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I thought there was some independent reading on the "Reading Comprehension" section of the test. I found this, which seems to confirm:




Yes, this very well could be the case, but I guess I was assuming the OP meant would her child have to read the test to figure out what to do? I think she is worried her child's reading skills aren't to the point of being able to perform accurately on the bulk of the test due to the reading.

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Just to clarify...I am not concerned about the reading of directions, understanding of what he's suppose to do, etc. Just concerned about him not understanding a word here and there and thus getting a question wrong that he otherwise would have answered correctly. Sounds like there's a good balance on the test, so we should be good. :)

Thanks for the input.


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