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Formal handwriting


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What is everyone's take on it? I'm thinking about ditching a formal workbook thing and just doing copy work and dictation and helping him correct as we go. We finally have pencil grip down and the letters are starting to come along, however repeating all the letters over and over is not helping. We put it away for a few weeks and now he actually wants to write. I didn't know if someone had a reason why I should be doing it??

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That's what I ended up doing for my 8yo. She preferred doing copywork to just handwriting. Much more fun when Mom puts your favorite quotes or parts of Christmas carols or whatever on your copywork sheets! Then if I saw a letter or two that needed more practice, I just used extra space on the sheet to make a few properly for her and just had her copy a couple more of those.


(My 5yo is working through the BrainQuest workbook, which has a section of single letter pages for practice. I just have him do a few of them, rather than an entire line, since he knows how to make them and just needs the practice with writing on the lines and all. That is working very well for him. When he's finished with that, we'll move to a bit of copywork.)


Now, we've just started doing cursive with DD, and we've been using HWOT. She needs to know how to form the letters properly, and with two younger children, I'm not always right there watching as she does so; HWOT is helpful because it makes it very clear how the letters are to be formed.

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Absolutely ditch it if the child is ready for copywork and isn't having any problems requiring a formal program. :)


I'm using HWT for my oldest at the moment to correct weird letter formation, but once we get all the letters fixed (and thankfully, HWT does a good job of not having them copy a letter a gazillion times - they have you practice the letter maybe 6 times and then do some words or sentences as copywork), we plan to just do straight copywork until we move to cursive next year.

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I agree. It is soooo boring just repeating letters over and over. My dd did so much better when we started copywork using sentences from favorite books and poems. That was last year. Now, we are focusing on spelling with SWR, and that has enough handwriting in it that we are not using either a formal program or copywork for the time being.

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