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Dreading Latin vocab....


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This is my older kids 4th year of Latin which makes for a ton of Latin vocab. We do Latin everyday, including the vocab. cards. However, we have so many to do that the kids really do dread doing it, and I do too! I've tried to limit it to just this years vocab, but they absolutely need steady review because they do forget. So I'm thinking maybe sorting them so that the easier ones that they seem to always remember being done on Friday's and focusing on the one's they may still need work on the rest of the week? How does that sound? It may cut them in half at least which would be much better. I'm just wondering how everyone else does their vocab review everyday? :confused:

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I think you've got the right idea. We haven't accumulated a lot of Latin vocab, but my kids are really into memorizing poetry and know a ton. Let's say they have 30 poems memorized, plus one they're working on. They'll practice the new one daily, perhaps another recently memorized one daily, and the others are split equally through the week. So those they know well are only reviewed once a week. You might look at:




This website has a scripture verse memory system that is set up really nicely and would work very well for old vocabulary.

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One option... Shuffle the cards. Set the timer. Go through vocab cards for X number of minutes. (You decide what's reasonable. I'm thinking something between 5 and 10 minutes.) Cards with a right answer go into one pile. Cards with the wrong answer are corrected, and go into the other pile. When the timer beeps, cards in the "right" pile are kept separate, while the missed cards are shuffled back into the main stack. Tomorrow, the main stack comes out, the timer goes, and you continue as the day before. Words that are correct the first time vanish into the "correct" pile for the rest of the week. Words that are missed get shuffled into the main deck and repeated until they're correct the first time.


You re-set the whole pile at the beginning of the week (or every other week if the pile of words is just too overwhelming).


This way each word is reviewed at least once a week (or every other week, if you reset every other week), but more challenging words are repeated each day. On the last day of the cycle, you go through the more challenging words several times over to help cement them. (And ones that consistently cause problems can be pulled out for even more review, as necessary.)

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