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Which John Piper book?

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If you like John Piper, what one book would you recommend as my first reading by him? There are many choices & I just don't know which one to purchase. I'd prefer something that expresses his view on the five points of Calvinism, as that's what I'm trying to better understand. But I am open to all suggestions. I've really been enjoying his many sermons that are viewable at his website Desiring God.


Thanks for your input.



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Don't Waste Your Life.


It changed my whole world. :D


I actually just borrowed this - literally! Judomom, I have read Desiring God. It was over 11 years ago, but I remember it was very thought provoking. I also heard John Piper speak at a Passion conference many years ago & his sermon was Desiring God....it was very good! I've never given much thought to calvinism (outside of enjoying John Piper as a speaker), but as of late, I really am wanting to delve into researching the 5 points of Calvinism. Some recent threads here got my brain juices flowing, so I've been watching John Piper's many sermons online, & now I'd like to get into some of his books.


Thanks for the great suggestions!



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