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Skipping little words


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My daughter does that too. Those little words they miss can do a lot of damage! Words like "not" can change everything! She also breezes over really big words. We have been working on this. It is definatley something I would try and remediate. Have him read out loud to you a lot and see if you can nip it now!

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You could try the notched card technique. I have used it with one of my own children and with students I tutor. It typically fixes the problem very quickly.


Check out the discussion on the "misreading small words" issue here:




Here is a picture of a notched card: http://www.piperbooks.co.uk/documents/Notched_Card_Technique_000.pdf

But, in your child's case, you would use it word-by-word, not letter/sound-by-letter/sound.

Good luck!

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