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Can a burned up strand of human hair

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make me think the whole house is about to burn up?


I toasted a half a bagel about thirty minutes ago. A few minutes later I smelled a terrible odor - it seems to be coming from everywhere. Terrible as in maybe the odor of burning hair. The odor does not seem to be coming from the toaster but is stronger in different parts of the house. I've checked the utility room and all other rooms - I only smell it on the main floor. Maybe it is coming from behind the refrigerator?


This is driving me nuts. I can't really air the house out because we're having a snowstorm.

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Did you figure it out? Did anyone leave a flat iron on? My dd once did this and the whole thing melted, smelling up the entire house. Good thing we were home or I'm sure it would have started a fire.


I'm still not sure. Something burned - something tiny that caused a big smell. The odor is going away though, thank goodness. The toaster is getting a thorough cleaning.

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