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Ok.. I've had enough of the snow. Take it away, please!

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I love snow. Really, I do. So do the kids. Even the dog loves it.


But.. I am EXTREMELY irked that our local council will not prepare and organise themselves to deal with it! The weather forecast predicted a hard winter (as they had done last year), so you would have thought that the council would think to themselves.. hmm.. we'd better make sure we have enough snowplows, salt and salt-spreaders.. but do they heck?! NO! :banghead: The motorways (highways) get plowed and salted, along with some main roads, but if you live anywhere else - well that's just your hard cheese. Outside my house, I swear I have 6-8 inches of freezing slush on my road, and it's been like that for a fortnight. The car slides around in it so much, I may as well be in a boat. And it's only the beginning of December.. :svengo:


Just as an example of how idiotic this is.. last year I was listening to BBC Radio Leeds, and a presenter was briefly interviewing the manager of the main road salt/grit supplier in the north of England. The councils had been saying that they didn't have enough salt to keep the roads clear and safe, and so the presenter asked this manager why there wasn't enough road salt available. The manager replied: "We delivered the amount of road salt they ordered." He admitted they didn't have much in the way of supplies, and that "next year we'll be prepared in advance." Don't. Make. Me. Laugh.




Thanks for letting me vent! I think I must have cabin fever!!

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