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Who's decorating a Jesse tree? Can you help me?

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We've never done one before but I got a book with reproducible ornaments for the kids to color and decorate to put on the tree.


Thing is, I'm stuck on what to use for a tree :lol:. Yes, I know we're a few days behind now... I'm hoping to find a solution to my tree problem.


Can somebody help me out with easy ideas on how to put some trees together for 3 kids.- can I put all on one tree or do 3 different ones? I really don't want to go out and buy anything if I don't have to.


Thanks for any help.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

We do one tree for all. Last year, they took turns putting the ornaments on. This year, the littlest is doing that every day.


The cheapest, easiest Jesse tree I ever made was out of green construction paper on a bulletin board. The ornaments were hung on thumb tacks.


I've also thought of hanging green cloth on a door or wall, drawing a pretty evergreen tree outline on it with a Sharpie, and then pinning the ornaments on.


This year, we're using a 2ft artificial tabletop Christmas tree, and Ann Voskamp's Jesse Tree devotional which includes ornaments to print. It is our prettiest Jesse Tree ever.

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I have a small table top artificial tree that we use - one tree for all kids.


The first year we made a tree with horizontal branches/sticks tied to a central vertical stick. Dh drilled a hole at the top and I hung it o n the wall. It looked great - but when I got it out a year later there was wood dust all over - apparently there were some tiny bugs living in the branches we used!!


Are your ornaments one dimensional? The ones we use are. They are round, so I had each child color the same ornament and decorate with glitter. Then I folded them in half and glued the halves to each other making a three dimensional ornament. While gluing I glued a loop of cording in the middle for the hanger. If you want to see a picture - let me know, and I'll try to post one later. Anyway - if you can do this - then you don't need 3 trees.

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