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Dental help

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I am having severe pain in my mouth since Monday. I went to the dentist today and she said no cavity and she thinks it's because I clench my teeth. It is my front right bottom canine tooth area that hurts really bad. And it needs to heal. It doesn't bother me hot or cold it really bothers me any pressure. All I can't take much being pregnant but should I get a 2nd opinion? What else could it be?

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I was having terrible pain in a tooth when I'd bite down on something just-so, and I'd also get toothaches that would spread out over several teeth and then up or down to the other jaw (sometimes I couldn't tell if it started with my upper or lower jaw, but it would spread to the other anyway). The tooth has a crown, so I thought something was wrong with it. The dentist didn't find any cavities in any teeth. I have other dental work that needs to be done, so they wanted to get that finished first in case it was related to that (old fillings that needed to be replaced). This would take quite a while, and it's still not done (lots of fillings, lots of $$, so I'm spreading it out). They did adjust the bite (using the carbon paper-thingy to see where it touched the tooth below it, then filing/drilling a bit of the tooth away), and it was a little better. It continued to bother me, and each time I went for a regular checkup, they'd check the bite and adjust it a bit more. The pain is finally gone. So in my case, it was the bite.

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I'm a grinder too, and yes, it absolutely can cause severe pain.


Did your dentist suggest a bite splint? If not, then I would definitely get a second opinion. A bite splint does not prevent grinding, but it does prevent the soreness and damage that can occur from grinding. You might also consider a calming type homeopathic tea before bedtime. Of course, anything you can do to eliminate or reduce stress will be helpful as well.


Call around to a few dentists and ask up front if they make bite splints. Ask for a quote. Some dentists think a little too highly of themselves and will charge you a small fortune. My last splint cost me around $165.00 and has lasted me about three years. But I've had quotes as high as $800.00.

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Please visit your family doc. There is a possibility that it might be shingles. Get it ruled out. An earlier diagnosis means antivirial meds can help. My sister, age 35, got shingles 1 1/2 yrs ago. I believe it started in her jaw. Pressure bothered her and she had pain some days before any rash. Shingles is the same virus family that causes chicken pox. Shingles can show up in different parts of the body.

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