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Interesting facts sheets I found on plastics

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I just found these interesting facts sheets on the safety of plastics. With so much buzz on the board about plastic safety I got curious and decided to research it. I found these sheets(there are 4 of them) very interesting and actually plan to print them out for my dh to read too. My intention in posting this is not to scare people, but to share something I found and thought others would finding interesting.


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I tend to be a cynic about a lot of the panic around things in general (plastics is only the latest...), and I really truly appreciate a well-cited reference like this. "Plastics" covers so many extremely diverse materials that I find it irritating when they are thrown out all together. The potential problems with polycarbonate have very little at all to do with other plastics (which might have their own problems but not BPA!) At least this link has them enumerated and all the claims about adverse effects cited to their original studies.



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