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Two years ago today...


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... my childen experienced their last day of ps. :party:


My oldest dd started half-day kindy at a great ps in NY. Before she started, I had briefly tossed around the idea of homeschooling. However, we specifically purchased a house in that school district because we had heard such wonderful things about the schools, so we let her go. I was not disappointed. The staff there was phenomenal. I was in the classroom as often as I liked. Parents were very involved, and it showed. The teacher met my daughter at her level. This continued through most of 2nd grade. Then we moved.:glare:


Dd10 entered 2nd grade here just a month before school let out for the summer. I thought it would be a good oppportunity for her to meet kids. I thought she might be a little behind since schools in NYstart in Sept., while schools here start in Aug. I was wrong.


In Aug. 2008 dd10 entered 3rd grade and ds7 enter kindy. Before school started, I spoke with both teachers. I informed ds's kindy teacher that he was reading chapter books and doing a good deal of math. I was given the standard "Oh we have loads of kids that can read in kindy." I also asked about volunteer opportunities. Apparently parents were only invited into the classrom for class parties and "eat luch with your kid" days. Strike 1.


The second week of school the kindy teacher informed me, in a rather suprised manner, that ds learned everything there was to know in kindy, that he in fact really could read, and I was right.:001_rolleyes: My dd was still doing work that was review to her and making 100%. Ok, I thought, the school will challenge them. Nope. Strike 2.


One day, after my 5-year-old endured 2 weeks of IQ testing to see if he was really ready to be moved into 1st grade, I was waiting outside to pick up my kids. Dd was late (again), so I went inside to look for her. I found her grading papers. Since she was such a good student, her teacher decided to keep her after school and make her grade papers. She was also used to tutor other struggling students. Silly me thought that was the teacher's job. Strike 3.


There were many, many other problems. The parents only got involved for sport-related things. The principal had no control over discipline or really anything for that matter. One girl in dd's 3rd grade class told a sub to "F-off" with no consequences. No one watched the kids during recess. There was nothing for kids who were slightly above average. Their suggestion for my son was to place him in a remedial reading class with the 3rd graders. It was just a trainwreck.


So here we are, two years later and happy as can be. It has been a roller coaster ride. We have enjoyed this journey. I love watching my kids learn. I love how their relationship has grown. I love the fact that my little on actually gets to see her siblings. I love the fact that I now have a valid excuse to buy loads of books. I love the people these kids are becoming. I love all the support I have received here.


Here's to many more happy years homeschooling!:cheers2:

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