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Can somone explain these differences to me? Homeopathic Dr's, Holistic Dr's??

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I want to start seeing a person who takes a natural approach to illnesses. Especially one who specializes in perimenopausal symptoms/women problems. Also, one who can help me with a diet plan/exercise.


I see all these different titles. Homeopathic, Holistic,Herbalists, Naturalists, etc....


What is the difference between them?


And who do I want to see for the problems above?


And when searching for one in my area, where do I find one, and know that they are good or not?

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Some simple definitions to give you an idea of what each one does.


Homeopathy : a system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in larger amounts produce in healthy persons symptoms similar to those of the disease.


Herbalist : a person who practices healing by the use of herbs.


Holistic : relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts <holistic medicine attempts to treat both the mind and the body>.

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