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AAS - do I need the extra materials packet for each child?

Sue G in PA

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I *think* only if you are going to have two children in the same level, at the same time, would you need two packets. If you will, then I highly recommend it. I could be wrong though, maybe when you move to the next level, you need to carry over some of the cards, but I doubt it, because I imagine that the next level has everything you need. I hope someone can give you a more definite answer than that!

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I think you DO need the extra materials packet for each child. I set up an index box for each child and put their names on it with some fun stick on letters. Then when each child's lesson time comes, I just have them get their box. Since each child's mastery of the material and pace through the program is different then they each need their own set of cards. I did however make the mistake of buying 3 sets of letter tiles and I only needed one. Although I may have a separate set of tiles for younger child since the older two will be using phonograms and diagraphs that will clutter her work space and be distracting to her I think. I haven't gotten that far yet!! :001_smile:


I am working with 3 children right now. The older two are moving into the next book and many of the phonogram and sound cards are used in book 2. I hope this anwers your question.


p.s. No baby yet? I was praying about that this weekend. Blessings!

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Thanks to you both. I'll go ahead and get the extra packs since they are such a good, used price! So, I don't need the extra tiles? I might just go ahead and get those, too, since I'll be teaching 3 at once and have another right on their heels!


Michelle, thanks for your prayers re: the baby. Not yet. I've been praying, too. Dh went out of town today (don't even ASK me how upset I am about THAT!) so I think the stress of that will keep labor from coming. Thanks...keep the prayers coming b/c I'm looking and feeling like the little girl in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (original) who turned into the grape after eating the chewing gum! (minus the blue coloring, of course!) :lol:

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