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Can I make gravy the day before thanksgiving and reheat?

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I will have 13 adults and 18 kids over for thanksgiving. I was going to try and cook the turkeys the day before (I've read how to store the meat properly), but can I make the gravy the day before?


Making the gravy is the always the last thing I do before the meal and it makes me rushed. It would be great to do it before, but it seems reheated gravy isn't quite the same. Would you agree?





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IME (and I'll concede that I'm not the world's best gravy maker) it gets really thick overnight and may need to be thinned down with some broth or milk when reheated.


On a side note, I worked at KFC when I was in high school and I LOVED the chicken gravy the next day with biscuits. Maybe just get some gravy from KFC? LOL

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