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whole house R/O vs. filtration which is best?

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We really need to do something about our water. We have really bad city water, we get a lot of scale on the faucets, sinks, tubs, dishwasher, etc. Also, I'm not sure if this is related at all, but with my last 2 pregnancies, I had a problem with kidney stones toward the end, when I typically start chugging water like crazy.

Flouride was added to our water a couple of years ago and I'd like to somehow have that removed in addition to all the other yucky stuff. So, what works best for that sort of thing? I've tried to research online but I'm just not finding a lot of helpful info.

It looks like the whole house filtration systems will run about $8000, yikes! Is this typical? Is an RO system better?

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Hi! :) My husband did that type work for 20 years before taking the job he has now. He will be home in several hours and I know he'll be happy to answer your question!


I don't know the answer, but I don't like the taste of RO water. I use an RO filter for our aquarium water but I never liked the taste of it for everyday use.

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I don't know the answer, but I don't like the taste of RO water. I use an RO filter for our aquarium water but I never liked the taste of it for everyday use.


That's good to know. I didn't realize there would be a "taste" with either one, just assumed they would taste like nothing, kwim? Definitely something to consider. Thank you. :)

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He said $8000 is NOT typical and should cost you no more than $3000 for whole house filtration and that includes a carbon filter of some type and a water softener. If you want drinking water also (RO), add another 7-8 hundred. If you only want RO, you should expect to pay NO MORE than a 1000. He said he recommends Culligan if you have one near you.



Re: the taste of the RO water: He says the water is stored in a bladder tank and typically there is a carbon filter AFTER the tank to remove any taste or odors. If you're recieving any tastes or odors that filter needs to be changed and then changed every 3 months after.


I hope this helps some!


(He also said Culligan can give you a free basic water test and a more advanced test for 250-ish.)


ETA: I just reread your title where you were asking about an ENTIRE HOUSE RO......He said THAT would be VERY expensive and he just doesn't recommend it. He said an under the counter RO would produce about 20 gallons of drinking water per day.

Edited by Mercy_Me
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