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What to use for Geometry?

Guest Mimama

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Guest Mimama

Hi, I've been reading the threads on math curriculums with interest. I could use some advice on a few questions:


1. We have used TT for Algebra (8th) and Algebra II (9th, this year). My son is college-bound and I want to make sure that his curriculum is beefy enough. I've read that TT may not cover enough for Algebra II, what would I use or do to make sure he has enough knowledge in that area? Would you review with another textbook? Which one?


2. We are going to do Geometry next. Any suggestions for something that would work for a son who likes math well enough but a Mom that doesn't know enough to explain something beyond Algebra 1 ? I like that TT has the solutions and dvds, anything similiar in another curriculum? And that preferably doesn't cost an arm and a leg?


3. What should be our order of math from here? Obviously we have Algebra II, Geometry, what should be in our schedule for 11th and 12th?


Thank you!!!

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I have struggled with what geometry to use myself. I have Chalkdust and used it for my son, but for various reasons, I don't think it will work for my dd (she did video programs for Algebra I and II and prefers something different). The other programs I can think of are Jacob's and Life of Fred. Both look good but I think I will probably use LoF, as my dd likes the Algebra II book (which I am using to supplement Math Relief Algebra II).


I guess that didn't help too much:confused:. I will be watching this thread with interest.



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Hi, I've been reading the threads on math curriculums with interest. I could use some advice on a few questions:


1. We have used TT for Algebra (8th) and Algebra II (9th, this year). My son is college-bound and I want to make sure that his curriculum is beefy enough. I've read that TT may not cover enough for Algebra II, what would I use or do to make sure he has enough knowledge in that area? Would you review with another textbook? Which one?


For review, The Teaching Company algebra DVD's might be good, though a bit time consuming to watch them all. The plus is, your library might have them.


Math U See teaching tapes are sometimes sold cheaply, since the DVD format came out. You may be able to find those.


I've read about a site called hotmath (think that's it), that allows subscriptions to Thinkwell's math video's.


2. We are going to do Geometry next. Any suggestions for something that would work for a son who likes math well enough but a Mom that doesn't know enough to explain something beyond Algebra 1 ? I like that TT has the solutions and dvds, anything similiar in another curriculum? And that preferably doesn't cost an arm and a leg?


We like Math U See.

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Guest Mimama

Thanks for the replies so far. I will check if our library has Teaching Company DVDs (we just moved to a small town so I'm unsure what this libary offers, but I hope they do!!).


I'm going to check out Fred too. I've heard of this math before but I never looked it up. Thanks!

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I've read about a site called hotmath (think that's it), that allows subscriptions to Thinkwell's math video's.



Just checked hotmath.com out, and you are right. They do have a subscription service for math videos--$29 for 12 month access. The high school maths are property of Hotmath, however, the college level courses are Thinkwell classes. Thanks for the info!

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