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Perimenopause, mild depression: what to do? Experience/Opinions solicited. TIA

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Gals only, please. :) Otherwise TMI...you've been warned.



So, I'm 48 and still have regular cycles, but I've got some symptoms that are getting worse:


- forgetfulness, not just the garden variety either.

- mild fibrocystic bOOk symptoms that flare very occasionally

- flat affect and teariness, that I think are mild depression

- just diagnosed with osteopenia (measurement of -1)

- persistent acne on the chin for the past 4-5 years


- never had any problem with PMS or irregular cycles


Complete physical only turned up the osteopenia, nothing else is out of normal ranges. I have orders and am waiting for the "right day of the cycle" to check h-rm-ne levels, not that anything will turn up there, according to the reading I've done :glare: (Dr. Lee)


So, I'm getting some counseling, because there is an interpersonal stress aspect to this (several cantankerous people in my life) and I was just about to start a med for the depression, mostly to see if it would help with the memory issues, but in the mean time, dh suggested that it would be good to read up on menopause, since it seems that that will be just around the corner as well. As I began that, it seemed more and more like the memory and other symptoms could be hormonal imbalance, i.e. low progesterone. I dont really want to start a med if that won't address the root problem.


Someone please give me an objective opinion on this, or please weigh in, especially if you have seen progesterone supplementation help any of the symptoms listed above. As near as I can tell, the progesterone would help with the osteopenia and the bOOks for sure, but b*prop**n would not address anything except, perhaps, the mild depression.


Those who take b*prop**n, what is your experience? What is weaning off it like? My family MD says many patients are able to take it for a year, and then that's all they need. ?? (Something about it changing/fixing the chemistry of the brain permanently??)


To round out the picture, I am chronically sleep-deprived due to dh's schedule. I have lost 10 pounds (on purpose) since Sept 1 and am within 10 pounds of a very healthy weight and am exercizing to increase my fitness. (I hate exercise...) I eat pretty well, lots of veggies and low-carb and am trying to make improvements in the quality of what we eat.


Any thoughts, ideas, experience?



Edited by Valerie(TX)
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All of the symptoms you listed are associated with menopause. Mood Swings +/or depression is not uncommon and so is the tearfulness. I think if you read up on it more you'll also see that forgetfulness is part of it too. I know many women who use progesterone cream and say it does wonders. I talked to my Dr about this and she told me not to. That my symptoms were mild and it was hormones of any type can be hazardous. I don't know how accurate her statement was. She did however tell me to try natural things to help. I tried the progesterone cream for a couple of weeks and saw no difference. I would try to find a naturopath in your area that could help you come up with natural substances and vitamins that could help. The one thing she did do was do a Vit D level. Mine was extremely low and after researching this some of the symptoms you list are also caused by this. Vitamin D deficiency is very common in menopause and post menopause and also can affect your Bone density. Your stress issues seem important enough to warrant talking to a therapist but I don't know if I'd want to go on anti depressants and this point. I would try some of the natural products first and see if they'll help. If not then you may need to go on the anti-depressants.

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I would get a saliva test for hormones.

If anything is off and it probably will be, try to get naturally balanced with bio-identical hormones. For this you may have to seek the counsel of a naturopath or homeopathic physician as some allopathic docs are not familiar with it or outright against it.


Perhaps have a thyroid check as well just to be sure. This a time of life when many women turn up hypothyroid.


You are already doing great with exercise and nutrition. Once the other things are in place it should all improve.

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Gals only, please. :) Otherwise TMI...you've been warned.



So, I'm 48 and still have regular cycles, but I've got some symptoms that are getting worse:


- forgetfulness, not just the garden variety either.

- mild fibrocystic bOOk symptoms that flare very occasionally

- flat affect and teariness, that I think are mild depression

- just diagnosed with osteopenia (measurement of -1)

- persistent acne on the chin for the past 4-5 years


- never had any problem with PMS or irregular cycles


Complete physical only turned up the osteopenia, nothing else is out of normal ranges. I have orders and am waiting for the "right day of the cycle" to check h-rm-ne levels, not that anything will turn up there, according to the reading I've done :glare: (Dr. Lee)


So, I'm getting some counseling, because there is an interpersonal stress aspect to this (several cantankerous people in my life) and I was just about to start a med for the depression, mostly to see if it would help with the memory issues, but in the mean time, dh suggested that it would be good to read up on menopause, since it seems that that will be just around the corner as well. As I began that, it seemed more and more like the memory and other symptoms could be hormonal imbalance, i.e. low progesterone. I dont really want to start a med if that won't address the root problem.


Someone please give me an objective opinion on this, or please weigh in, especially if you have seen progesterone supplementation help any of the symptoms listed above. As near as I can tell, the progesterone would help with the osteopenia and the bOOks for sure, but b*prop**n would not address anything except, perhaps, the mild depression.


Those who take b*prop**n, what is your experience? What is weaning off it like? My family MD says many patients are able to take it for a year, and then that's all they need. ?? (Something about it changing/fixing the chemistry of the brain permanently??)


To round out the picture, I am chronically sleep-deprived due to dh's schedule. I have lost 10 pounds (on purpose) since Sept 1 and am within 10 pounds of a very healthy weight and am exercizing to increase my fitness. (I hate exercise...) I eat pretty well, lots of veggies and low-carb and am trying to make improvements in the quality of what we eat.


Any thoughts, ideas, experience?




Every time that I have felt depressed or depression, it's been directly linked to my hormones, first my thyroid and then my cycles. So I wouldn't go for anti depressants (YMMV)


I have several of your symptoms. My dr. put me on bio identical progesterone and it took a number of cycles and consistent use for it to make the difference. It helped with moodiness and acute breast pain (the pain is why I started in the first place). The acne was actually made worse by the cream. I was already on antibiotics before the cream. Now I just make sure I am consistent with the antibiotics and I am okay. I also use a retinoid cream for the scarring the resulted from old lady acne. My skin looks good. The progesterone cream also helps with insomnia. Your lack of sleep is probably contributing to your blues.


Now, here is the TMI part. It's made my s@xual moods more intense. When I am on, I am ON. When I am off, dh just needs to feed me some chocolate and back out of the room with no eye contact. I am not crabby but it's like a light switch. Menstrual discomfort has also eased for me.


I would add an awesome multivitamin to your regime.



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