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WWE3 dictation question

Renthead Mommy

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My son does pretty well with dictation. He gets it down after hearing a few times and does a great job writing out what he thinks I read. But he'll change word sometimes. The sentences will still have the same meaning, but sometimes the wording is different. For instance:


villiage - town

seat - chair

is not - isn't


Is this a big deal? Does he need to hit each word spot on? Or is it okay if it's slightly different if the meaning is still the same?


On one hand I want him do it exactly as written. Often the changes are things that just aren't in our usual speech patterns, so I understand why he does it, but is it a hill I need to die on?

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Did you see the recent post with the link to a Youtube video of SWB doing dictation with her 13yo ds? It was so comforting! She went over the sentence numerous times - first grammatically, then for memorization. Her son kept substituting a different word ("forge" for "furnace"); she corrected it, but it was not treated like a big deal. I really recommend you watch it if you haven't.



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Did you see the recent post with the link to a Youtube video of SWB doing dictation with her 13yo ds? It was so comforting! She went over the sentence numerous times - first grammatically, then for memorization. Her son kept substituting a different word ("forge" for "furnace"); she corrected it, but it was not treated like a big deal. I really recommend you watch it if you haven't.




:iagree:Watching this (more than once :D) has really helped me understand HOW to do dictation without frustrating both myself and my children.

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