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I am struggling to teach Henle Latin to...

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9 students, 8 of which have virtually no Latin background. Does anyone have or sell (I'd buy from someone who made their own) using MP's schedule to help me focus our class time better.


We are using the assignment sheets (weekly) from MP but I would like to better use our class time? I would love something that lays out a 1hr a week class, such as with specifics.


As much detail as possible would be great!


I am teaching the class for free in a co op and I feel a bit inept. We have done Latin for 7-8 years but my older children ( who are not available to me for teaching) became the experts and I became the trying to keep up student! We have done several curriculums - and yes, I am committed to Henle - and we have been doing Latin for 7-8 years at home and I attended a class while Henle was taught but I observed and learned a lot but I would love more hand-holding!



Lisaj, ljdeerpark@aol.com

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I've not taught Henle, but I can tell you how I organize my Latin classes in general:


1.) Questions from previous assignment - I let other students answer the questions.


2.) Lecture time - I teach the new lesson concepts, reviewing previous concepts as they relate by calling on students to answer ("This week we are going to discuss the construction Ablative of Place Where. Can someone remind me of the other Ablative constructions we know?", etc.)


3.) Application - I have one student come up to be "scribe" and we translate a sentence or two together using the new information I just lectured on


4.) Group work - I assign a few translations that apply the new lesson to be done in a small group and then call some people to the board to put up their answers.


5.)Games - We play a variety of games with vocabulary. Students really seem to need the peer pressure of not letting their team down to keep up with learning their vocabulary. :D


I'm not sure if that helps with Henle or not, but it has worked well for me for years with LitCT, LA, LNST, LC, etc.

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Wow, Angela,


That is very helpful. Thank you! What do you do about homework from the previous week? Most of the time when I ask for questions, there are none. Of course, this puzzles me.


I *love* the idea of the scribe.






The parents have the answer key, and they check the answers (or the student does, if the parent allows them.) There simply isn't time to check their homework in a one hour class and still teach new concepts. On one class, I brought home their homework to grade, but the dealy was too long. They need immediate feedback. They are expected to come to class with their homework done, answers checked, and any questions from that process ready for me.


One thing that I started doing with my math students that really seemed like a hit was to give them each a stack of post-its in fun colors at the beginning of the year. They could write down any questions as they came to them, and then they would hand me the post-its before class. It made things more anonymous. :001_smile:


The "scribe" worked very well, especially with junior high students. They love being in charge. :001_smile: Eventually, I would have them lead the class in the translation. I made translation a very sequential process, so they knew which steps to ask for next. They were all training each others' brains how to complete the steps of a translation.


If they don't volunteer with questions, I ask leading questions: "Which question did you have the most trouble with? How long did it take you to translate that last sentence; it was a doozy, huh?" That breaks the 'stare at the teacher and blink' barrier, as does, "Reply, or I'll just sing eighties songs badly until you do." ;)

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Thanks again, ladies. Still open to your tricks and tips, everyone! I signed up for the Yahoo group. Sounds like a lot of experts will be on hand there. I still wish for more hand-holding, but we are getting there.


How about a WWYD? We have met 3x and I have given 2 simple quizzes. First one was giving case, Latin and English for the 1st decl noun, terra. Second quiz was vocab thru 2 weeks (15 words?) and 3 sent to translate taken directly from the previous week's HW. Two sisters flunked both. Everyone else (7 students) passed with flying colors. Should I call the mom? Looks like these 2 sisters are not doing their homework. (which is the main reason I gave the quizzes, 4 students (out of 9) came to class the second meeting and had not done their homework! All of the students are grades 7-9 so easily capable of MP's slow-paced Henle!




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Do not hesitate to contact any parents whose children are not completing their assignments. It drags down a whole class if there are some who are not working along with the assignments. The parents expect that you will contact them, plus you will lose them in the class if they do not catch up right away. It is hard enough to round up homeschool students for a class--you'd hate to lose them in the first weeks!


My latest approach to teaching Henle this year was to type out the exercises they need to do. Then during class we work from a stapled set. It makes one less thing to handle. Plus, it segments the work beautifully.


We are trying to do as many exercises as possible during class, and that seems to help it from being overwhelming. It also means the students understand the material better, too.


Hope this helps!


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  • 2 years later...
Guest kaayte

The "scribe" worked very well, especially with junior high students. They love being in charge. :001_smile: Eventually, I would have them lead the class in the translation. I made translation a very sequential process, so they knew which steps to ask for next. They were all training each others' brains how to complete the steps of a translation.



Could you share the sequential process you have for translation?

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