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Science and history textbook recommendations for 4th grade? Baby in the house!


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Prefer secular materials. I think I may need to switch to more of a textbook approach for science and history. My 5 month old is just not letting us get to history and science. I am homeschooling my 6 and 9yo kids and with the baby thrown into the mix....school is taking forever. What are my options for these two subjects this year? We are currently using SL core 3 and Science 3. Trying to add in Nancy Larson Science for my 6yo but so far, that has not been successful.


At this point, baby is only sleeping for 30 minutes a few times a day. He must be held all the time. :001_huh:




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First, do you have a baby carrier like a sling or ergo? Life saver. I miss the days I could put the baby in a sling. Now, at 23 months, it's really hard to do lessons.


Instead of a textbook, why not just fill the house with library books for science and history?


My 9 and 6 yr old learn a lot just from reading books from the library. Also they are allowed to watch Magic School Bus, Bill Nye, and Beakman's World shows.

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I agree that at those ages I wouldn't fret about it too much. This is a short phase in your life, spending more money for something else that might not work either isn't going to be helpful.


SOTW on CD is nice, even if you don't get to anything else.


Netflix and most libraries have all kinds of science videos.

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hane you looked at the complete book series? the seem to cover the basics.


or really you could do the 3 r's and then do science and history over the summer! for sure it is more important to hold a baby, every month is different and 5 months is a very mom focused age. big kids can wait a few months to go on a nature walk. :) by then they can take turns with the baby.

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I'm doing SL Core 3 with a 4th grader and a disruptive 1yo. I've decided that read-alouds are optional. :tongue_smilie: I just can't get through them without the baby throwing a temper tantrum. DD does most of the history independently. I'm reading the Landmark book to her, but I could easily get that done in 30 min. Before going out and buying something new I would try to see how much can be done independently with what you already have. Is your 4th grader a strong enough reader that s/he could read aloud some of the easier history books to your 6yo?


Science is a little harder. SL science does not lend itself to independence. You could just skip experiments and let dc watch the Discover and Do DVD...


I'm enjoying elemental science, but it's not a textbook, and I have to do it during nap time or with a baby on the hip. I have been pleased with how simple the experiments have been so far. I can do them with a baby on my hip when I have too.


Sorry I'm not much help. :grouphug:

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First, do you have a baby carrier like a sling or ergo? Life saver. I miss the days I could put the baby in a sling. Now, at 23 months, it's really hard to do lessons.


Instead of a textbook, why not just fill the house with library books for science and history?


My 9 and 6 yr old learn a lot just from reading books from the library. Also they are allowed to watch Magic School Bus, Bill Nye, and Beakman's World shows.


He doesn't care to be strapped to me. I did do this for a while but now he likes to have room to move and not be pressed up against me. He's gotta have his hands in eveything so it makes it difficult to do much with him in my lap. Plus...he babbles so loud I can't hear myself speak. :lol: He actually just turned 6 months today. I just remembered.


I have TONS of science and history books. That;s one idea. I guess I just feel like dd will miss out on something important.



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I'm doing SL Core 3 with a 4th grader and a disruptive 1yo. I've decided that read-alouds are optional. :tongue_smilie: I just can't get through them without the baby throwing a temper tantrum.


. :grouphug:


I know what you mean...he's either babbling REALLY loud or screaming. lol



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I have a 5 month old too :001_smile:


Would it work to do the SL readings cuddled up on the couch with a child either side while nursing/holding the baby? I sometimes do readings with my kiddos while nursing the baby.


Also, is your 9yo a strong reader? Could she do the SL Science on her own? My 4th grader is doing SL Science 3 mostly independently. I have bound the worksheets into a book and she just reads the schedule herself to find out the readings/questions for the day. Alternatively, you could make a booklet then pencil in the readings above the relevant questions so that your dc would only need to use the workbook. I have done this for my 8yo and it works well.



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Are you using Nancy Larson Science with both the 6 and 9yo? My kids (5 & 6) used NL Science 1 last year, and absolutely loved it. They learned science, reading and writing all in one. It made my life much easier. I read reviews in TOSH of moms using NL Science with ages 4-8 all in same program. So I know you can "group" the learning.

Since it's scripted and so easy to teach, is there a grandparent, or babysitter, or neighbor who could help teach?

Kids like activities and they need to read; both are important. Mine never enjoyed watching DVD lessons. They wanted to "do" things for themselves.

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I have a 5 month old too :001_smile:


Would it work to do the SL readings cuddled up on the couch with a child either side while nursing/holding the baby? I sometimes do readings with my kiddos while nursing the baby.


Also, is your 9yo a strong reader? Could she do the SL Science on her own? My 4th grader is doing SL Science 3 mostly independently. I have bound the worksheets into a book and she just reads the schedule herself to find out the readings/questions for the day. Alternatively, you could make a booklet then pencil in the readings above the relevant questions so that your dc would only need to use the workbook. I have done this for my 8yo and it works well.




The 9yo is definitely a strong reader but I feel like she would skip a lot just to get finished and not really learn anything. I may try this though. This year we are working on getting her to be more independent.



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Are you using Nancy Larson Science with both the 6 and 9yo? My kids (5 & 6) used NL Science 1 last year, and absolutely loved it. They learned science, reading and writing all in one. It made my life much easier. I read reviews in TOSH of moms using NL Science with ages 4-8 all in same program. So I know you can "group" the learning.

Since it's scripted and so easy to teach, is there a grandparent, or babysitter, or neighbor who could help teach?

Kids like activities and they need to read; both are important. Mine never enjoyed watching DVD lessons. They wanted to "do" things for themselves.


Yes, my plan was to do it with both of them. I bought student materials for both. I knew even though she is 9, she would want to be included. I was going to do both sciences with her since I felt NL was maybe too easy for her with her being in 4th.



Thanks everyone!



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I have a 5 month old too :001_smile:


Would it work to do the SL readings cuddled up on the couch with a child either side while nursing/holding the baby? I sometimes do readings with my kiddos while nursing the baby.


Also, is your 9yo a strong reader? Could she do the SL Science on her own? My 4th grader is doing SL Science 3 mostly independently. I have bound the worksheets into a book and she just reads the schedule herself to find out the readings/questions for the day. Alternatively, you could make a booklet then pencil in the readings above the relevant questions so that your dc would only need to use the workbook. I have done this for my 8yo and it works well.




I have beem thinking of this suggestion all day. I think binding the worksheets and then writing in the pages would be a great idea. I may try this with her and do the Nancy Larson wih both of them together. Thanks for the idea!



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I have beem thinking of this suggestion all day. I think binding the worksheets and then writing in the pages would be a great idea. I may try this with her and do the Nancy Larson wih both of them together. Thanks for the idea!



:001_smile: I hope it works well for you. :001_smile:

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