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Crosspost: What do you want to see in a grammar stage science curriculum?

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Say, for 3-4th grade.


Do you prefer one topic all year? Or a mix of topics throughout the year?

How hands on for the kids? For the teacher?

How much time per week would you like it to take?

How much history of the topic would you like to see woven into it?

Are there topics that you feel are not covered well in the existing curricula for this age group?

Anything else?


Thanks for your input!

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By 3rd or 4th grade I like something that can be done everyday or a couple of times a week. Something with a mix of reading and activities. So if I wanted an everyday schedule we could do reading on day 1, activity on day 2, reading on day 3, reading on day 4, activity on day 5. . . or Read and activity on day 1 and Read and activity on day 2.

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My wish list:



  1. secular (current and widely-accepted scientific theory, please--it is so, so frustrating to find a good-looking homeschool program only to discover that it presents material "from a Christian worldview")
  2. independent (I've switched my kids to more independent science this year and it's actually getting done for once)
  3. uses fairly common items for experiments or sells all needed materials in a reasonably-priced kit
  4. at least one experiment per week
  5. limited writing for that age group (maybe 1-2 paragraphs per week?)
  6. scheduled
  7. open-and-go
  8. a mix of various topics


Right now my 5th-grade dd is doing Oak Meadow. My 3rd grade dd is doing a mishmash of experiments I assigned out of assorted Usborne books we've got. She's also reading related sections from Usborne encyclopedias. That's going ok, but she's on course to finish up all I'd planned before Christmas. :tongue_smilie:

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