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Best way to memorize math facts?


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I want to start working on math fact memorization--does anyone have favorite methods or resources to recommend? I want to do addition, subtraction, skip counting, multiplication, division, and common squares...should we attack them one at a time? Or do addition and subtraction together? I like math, but I'm not organized and I feel like I need some kind of organized system for this!

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I think you have to do addition and subtraction before multiplication and squares, because a thorough understanding of addition is necessary to understand multiplication. I do not believe memorizing times tables without understanding multiplication to be very helpful.


This said, my kids did not "memorize" addition and subtraction - they just worked problems, understood place value, understood how to add and subtract.

The only thing they memorized were the times tables.

I have two visual learners. For them, the best way was to draw a big table on poster board and to have them fill out the problems. They saw that because of the commutative prop[erty you only need to learn half the table; also, the twos, fives and tens are rather trivial, so that left very few problems that they actually had to memorize. We color coded everything, hung it by their bed and they looked at it every night.

The squares are in the diagonal of the table; we gavce them a special color and they got memorized along with the other problems.


later, I have been working on getting DS to memorize suqres till 20*20 and cubes till 10*10*10.

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I don't think we've done a lot of memorization, except for adding numbers under 5, unless those are just easy? We just worked on adding to sums up to 10, and playing around with what numbers created the sums. First with objects, then with numbers. I did print up a few MM sheets where you needed to fill in the sum, so had ds read the sum sheets of 6-10 daily for a few days. He actually sang it to an adding song off of a We Might Be Giants number cd :)

I wouldn't combine though. I'd do adding first, then subtracting etc. We just started subtraction today, and I can see that if we didn't have a strong addition base, subtraction would be a mess.

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