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Phonics Road 2 question!


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Now that I can actually ACCESS the stuff on the new website, I can see more of what level 2 is like-yay! Of course we'll be doing it-PR1 is ds's fave part of the day. It brings tears to my eyes to see him applying this every time to his spelling outside of PR too! He is so happy to finally have TOOLS to help him spell on his own!!


Quick question-in PR2, how is the dvd set up, since there are so many different components (grammar, spelling, and the lit)? Is it all in the week section of the dvd together? Is it a LOT longer than the PR1 dvd segments? Because it doesn't look like you can fast forward as much as you can through some of the dvd for words you're familiar with, especially for the grammar and lit. And/or are you more able to let the dc watch the dvd himself with level 2 (she asks, hopefully)?


Does anyone know how similar the grammar is to Shurley? It reminds me of Shurley somewhat. Does it tell you things like an adjective tells what kind, which one, how many? Little helpful tips like that?

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Guest aquiverfull

Well I have level 2, but I haven't really looked at it. Hey, I have a hard time staying on top of the DVD watching for Level 1. :tongue_smilie:

Anyways, I'm not any help but I'm :bigear:.

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I hear you! It is lucky that I am overjoyed with how PR1 is working with my ds or I would NEVER be able to do this dvd thing. I guess I'm getting a little worried if the dvds for PR2 are longer....


It doesn't matter as to buying PR2 or not-this is working for us and I'm at least committed through level 2. But I don't want to spend my whole Saturday watching a dvd-lol!

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Guest aquiverfull

I know what you mean. This program is so well designed. I would have dropped it long ago, because watching those dvds is very hard for me. We missed all this week, because I couldn't find the time. It was a very busy week with 2 doctor appointments, baby with a stomach virus, etc... So I've got to find some time this weekend to do it.


I will keep going with it because I just don't think there's anything else out there that is this comprehensive. If I tried piecing several things together, I just don't think I could even come close to what PR accomplishes so beautifully!!

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I am with you ladies! I really love Phonics Road. I was thinking about the dvd's and I am really grateful to have them. It is nice that she walks us through step by step.

However, we are in PR2 (halfway) and what I am doing is really working for me. I am not really watching the videos for the spelling--only for the grammar. (ok, we are not doing the Little House part--I may really regret that too but my kids are a lot older and we are doing it at high speed!)

I only watch the grammar portion really. If I have a question on the spelling or song I just fast forward to that part (sometimes during the teaching, sometimes after and tell them about it later) and check that one or two words. Usually it does not seem like there are very many new building codes and she has some of them written in the spelling list so I know to watch those parts of the video and it is working well for me. I figure because my kids are older, if I miss any building codes we can go over those at the end of the program and just learn them at that time.

If I am really not together I have the kids watch the grammar part with me because they are so short and that works out really well.

I am excited to start PR 3! At that time we will slow down and do the literature study and all that--I am excited. She is such an amazing teacher--I am grateful to have found this program.:lol:

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This is exactly the type of thing I need to know!!! Thank you!


I wish she would hold up the bldg code when there is one so we know to stop fast-forwarding for it. That would be REALLY helpful. I do stop for every word I am not positive on, but I am also fairly early on and new to learning it.


I'm glad the grammar portions are SHORT! Have not decided yet whether we will do the lit or not-I will probably watch a few sections of the dvd about it when I get it and see if I like it. It seems weird to spread out ONE book for that long.


It is an AMAZING program-probably in my top five fave homeschool finds.

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I agree with what Stacey said. I scan the DVD quickly and am probably missing some stuff but am happy with how we are doing it so until I get stuck - I'm fast-forwarding. I should say that we did a bit of the Little House study and dropped it. I am much happier with Veritas Press guides and both Big Woods and LH on the Prairie as scheduled for us in VP this year so I decided to go that route. The very short amount of the book done each week drove my dd over the edge.



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Good news on the building codes :) The words BUILDING CODE 21 will pop up eventually to give you that hint :)


The DVD is set up in 3 parts, so you can go where you want to.


Your dc can watch the DVDs, you'll just need to pause so they can stop to spell.


For those accelerating, just a reminder: a large part of the writing component is in the literature study and by the time you get to the second half of PR3, the grammar part is incorporated in the lit. study.


I fast forwarded through nearly all of the spelling, stopping where BC was printed on the screen, and a good bit of the grammar. I do take my time on the lit, though, so I can mark my copy of the book with all the answers :)


Speaking of "my copy" does anyone know dd put her copy of Ben West and His Cat Grimalkin? I'm gonna loose my mind if I need to buy that book again!

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Does anyone know how similar the grammar is to Shurley? It reminds me of Shurley somewhat. Does it tell you things like an adjective tells what kind, which one, how many? Little helpful tips like that?


Yes, it does. It teaches a thorough definition that includes what each part of speech "tells". At the end of PR2, you'll also work on a grammar review and it will be the first "real" thing your students write in cursive!

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Thanks, Tina-I was hoping you would check in! I'm thankful for the fact that she does she the bldg codes and that we can have the dc watch it if we need to in a pinch! I'm excited about the grammar-I like how Shurley has them parse the sentences and doesn't shy away from pretty in depth grammar (predicate nouns, etc.) and this seems similar-yay!

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