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Can we still ask for prayers here?

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My aging father (78) has been having some health problems for a long time. (Vertigo, too much brightness for eyes, memory loss) He has had several mini strokes, and also has had many MRI's to check his brain.


About 3 weeks ago he got sick (cold/fluish), he was admitted to the hospital for pneumonia and sinus infection treated and released after 2 nights.


Dr. must have suspected something else, as he had him come in today for a follow up MRI to his sinuses to check if the infection was gone. They found "something." "Something" that they want to treat aggressively and may also need surgery. What they didn't tell my mom was what the "something" is, as they need to do further testing.


Doesn't it seem like a cancer (or anything else) would have shown up on the numerous MRI's (or bloodtests) he's had for his brain previously? We are all wondering what the "something" could be. My dad starts testing on Monday. If you pray and are so inclined, please pray that this is something that we can deal with. Please pray this isn't something bad eating on his brain. I just don't want my dad to suffer. Thank you.

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I can SO sympathize with the way medical information can get miscommunicated, not communicated, and lost in translation. I wonder if you should talk to your parents about filling out the paperwork necessary to allow their doctors to talk directly to you or one of your siblings? Prayers headed your way too. Dana

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My mom is quite capable - she is smarter than I ever hope to be. She is still "on the cutting edge" with her facilities, and will be extra vigilant to get information to help my dad, I'm sure. Both my sisters are very close and will probably go with my mom for any further dr.'s appts. Unfortunately, I live 6 hours away and cannot get away enough to get over there as much as I would like. Thanks again, and please keep praying! I'm sure it will help just knowing what is going on on Monday.

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