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If your college student doesn't live at home and gets a jury summons...

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I'd send it on to her and let her make the decision.


Am I the only one who thinks Jury Duty would actually be fun/interesting? I got called once when I was like 21 I think. I'd do it again lol.


Yet, anytime I ever hear/see anyone else speak of it, it's always about how to get out of it! Hmm!

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I loved it when I did jury duty... I was on the jury, it was a great experience, it wasn't a hardship with my children at the time (mil watched them). I am not asking because we want to "get out of it" but because she simply does not live here! She is in school, away, on that date...


I will send in the form. I read it and there is a spot to postpone it because you are a student, you just have to let them know what date you are available. I will ask when her holiday break starts, put in that date and go from there...

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