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ETC book 4 question


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Has anyone skipped book 4 and come back to it later? It just seems like a lot for ds to be taking in right now. I bought 4 and 4 1/2 because I knew he would need the extra practice. But some days it just doesn't seem like it is sinking in at all. We are going slow, most days only 2 pages at a time. I was just wondering if it would be a good idea to put it aside right now, move on to the next book and then come back to it? Anyone else doing/have done this book please give me your thoughts. I'm pretty sure I remember reading a thread similar to this, but I couldn't find it.



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:lol: I just received book 2 last week! He seemed like he could use a quick review and I had the readers for book 2 so I really wanted to try the workbook/readers/comprehension book combo. I was originally planning on doing it after ETC book 4, but now I'm thinking we will set ETC 4 aside and give PP 2 a go. I have to say I LOVE the illustrations in PP over ETC. They are so much easier to understand.


Thanks for your help! :001_smile:

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Has anyone skipped book 4 and come back to it later? It just seems like a lot for ds to be taking in right now. I bought 4 and 4 1/2 because I knew he would need the extra practice. But some days it just doesn't seem like it is sinking in at all. We are going slow, most days only 2 pages at a time. I was just wondering if it would be a good idea to put it aside right now, move on to the next book and then come back to it? Anyone else doing/have done this book please give me your thoughts. I'm pretty sure I remember reading a thread similar to this, but I couldn't find it.




I found out (once we were well into ETC 4) that many of the posters I trust skipped over 4 and did it later. But not all. Anyway, it was too late for me. While it did seem, at first, like a stretch, in the end it went fine. I may revisit with 4 1/2 after 6 (we have never done a 1/2 book previously).


Probably not much help :D



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We plowed on through doing both 4 and 4 1/2. Normally we do not do the half books, but 4 1/2 was needed. In our case, when dd was working through these two books, her reading greatly improved! She was able to decode the bigger words. Although syllabication was harder to understand, the confidence it gave dd was a wonderful reward. Now she picks books up much more frequently to read to herself. And, I'm fairly certain, it was because she covered syllabication in 4 and 4 1/2.

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I found out (once we were well into ETC 4) that many of the posters I trust skipped over 4 and did it later. But not all. Anyway, it was too late for me. While it did seem, at first, like a stretch, in the end it went fine. I may revisit with 4 1/2 after 6 (we have never done a 1/2 book previously).


Probably not much help :D




Hi Bill,


I was hoping to see you here. I am almost positive one of the threads I remembered about this book was yours. :)


Currently we are using 4 and 4 1/2 at the same time. We just do the corresponding lesson in 4 1/2 with the lesson in 4. However, last night I was also thinking about just continuing through 4 without 4 1/2 and using 4 1/2 later, after we have done other books. Ugh, decisions. :lol:


Thanks for stopping in.

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Hi Bill,


I was hoping to see you here. I am almost positive one of the threads I remembered about this book was yours. :)


Currently we are using 4 and 4 1/2 at the same time. We just do the corresponding lesson in 4 1/2 with the lesson in 4. However, last night I was also thinking about just continuing through 4 without 4 1/2 and using 4 1/2 later, after we have done other books. Ugh, decisions. :lol:


Thanks for stopping in.



My pleasure, I'm just not sure I can give you a *right* answer. ETC 4 did seem like a "jump", but then (once we got in the flow) the open and closed syllable lessons "clicked" and were kind of fun, and a nice change of pace. I could also seem the lessons pay-off in use in my son's reading. So I ended up feeling good about having done 4.


However, I don't think he had (or has) a command of syllabification that comports with his understanding of the lessons in the other ETC books. So in our case I'm considering the pass at 4 "exposure" and re-visit 4 1/2 when he is a little more developmentally mature. In his case I don't think he was ready for "mastery" of this topic, so doing 4 1/2 then would been work with only limited additional pay-off.


I suppose there is an argument to be made in favor or skipping the whole topic until a child is ready to master it. And there I just don't know what's the best answer, especially given how varied children are in their learning preferences.


For now, my plan (subject to revision) is loop back to 4 1/2 after ETC 6. But I'm certain there are many valid options, including delaying 4 and 4 1/2 or doing both in sequence that would work with individual children. Mine likes a big picture, but it isn't a one-size- fits-all world.


Bill (who continues to be unhelpful :D)

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