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Personal finance and checkbook balancing

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My ds14 is doing Dave Ramsey's Foundation, but I want an extra piece that gives him real practice with a checkbook. When I was in high school, this was part of our accounting class and we were each given a kit that had a checkbook, bills, pay stubs, etc. Over a couple of weeks, the teacher would dole out various debits and credits so we could maintain a checkbook. Does anyone know of a kit like that? Or will I need to create one?

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Sorry, but I don't know where a kit could be purchased.

Thanks, your post gave me a great idea on how to carry over a lesson we did this summer.

I gave both my dc blank check ledgers for our vacation. They had to write the amount of vacation money in the ledger. It was up to them on how they would spend their money. The only stipulation was that they couldn't by food item (snacks). They knew that we would pay for the vacation and their money was for souvenirs.

Although, they didn't write checks for their purchases. It was up to them to record their purchase, deduct the amount and know how much was left.

We also told them that we would not give them any extra if they went over, and if they add money left after vacation it was to go into the bank. Not for buying toys at home.

It was a great lesson, and was neat to watch them decide over each and every purchase.


I am already writing ideas down for a "real life" budget lesson.



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