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Oklahoma history...Help please


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Hi all,

I have lost track of all time and am now in PANIC mode (and I was going to be so organized this year)!! Anyway, we are planning on attending the homeschool day at the Oklahoma History Center on Monday and I really wanted to study the history of Oklahoma before we went so the trip would be more than just something fun to do for my kids. Anyway, it is now the week before and I am NOT prepared! So I need help from all you Oklahomans (or anyone that can offer help). I need to find some good books (fiction & non fiction) about the history of Oklahoma, places to find free activity pages, lapbooks, unit studies, or any other Oklahoma history resources. I need resources for little ones and older ones (from 3 - 14). Thank you so much for any help you can offer!

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Do you live in/near Oklahoma? If so....


In the children's section (children's references) of any local Oklahoma Barnes and Noble, you can find plenty of books on Oklahoma history, Sooner history, and Oklahoma Native American history.


Otherwise, I bet if you call Barnes and Noble, you could order these books to be delivered to your local area B&N. ;)


Hope this helps!


Lavender in Oklahoma

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These aren't free, but they're fairly cheap and may be of use to you:


In the Hands of a Child - Oklahoma History unit www.handsofachild.com


Cindy Downes' Oklahoma History study - www.oklahomahomeschool.com - more info than you could ever hope to use ;)


This is pretty much the only required subject in Oklahoma :glare:, so these are what a lot of folks that I know of use. (I love how the state doesn't care if our kids can read, write, or balance a checkbook, as long as we know the about state bird, boomtowns, and the Five Civilized Tribes lol...)

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This site has lots of great ideas (and yes I'm from AZ but the site has some fabulous resources for other subjects too).




Thank you, Cindy. This looks like it has a lot of info.


Do you live in/near Oklahoma? If so....


In the children's section (children's references) of any local Oklahoma Barnes and Noble, you can find plenty of books on Oklahoma history, Sooner history, and Oklahoma Native American history.


Otherwise, I bet if you call Barnes and Noble, you could order these books to be delivered to your local area B&N. ;)


Hope this helps!


Lavender in Oklahoma


Unfortunately, we do not live near a city so our closest B & N store is about 160 miles away, but thank you for the suggestion.


I have trouble linking to things on my I-phone. But, I found some resources on travelok.com and on the official Oklahoma Capitol website. The Capitol page has a link for education resources, then, I think I clicked on students.


Oh, I hadn't even thought about those sites. I will have to check them out. Thanks so much for the great idea.


This is a list of fiction books by state - there are a few listed for Oklahoma.


aude sapere


Thank you, maybe I can find some of these at my local library.


These aren't free, but they're fairly cheap and may be of use to you:


In the Hands of a Child - Oklahoma History unit www.handsofachild.com


Cindy Downes' Oklahoma History study - www.oklahomahomeschool.com - more info than you could ever hope to use ;)


This is pretty much the only required subject in Oklahoma :glare:, so these are what a lot of folks that I know of use. (I love how the state doesn't care if our kids can read, write, or balance a checkbook, as long as we know the about state bird, boomtowns, and the Five Civilized Tribes lol...)


I totally LOVE how easy it is to homeschool in Oklahoma, but it does make you wonder when they require you to learn state history but nothing else. It really makes you wonder where their priorities are:001_huh:. Thanks so much for the sites...surely I can pull something out of all these great suggestions and then do a more formal study later.


Thanks so much to all of you for your quick help!

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