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Please help, Photoshop gurus?

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Several years ago, we lost most of our belongings in a fire. We were still pretty young yet, so we didn't have lots of stuff to miss, but our wedding photos. . .well, that was horrible.


Good news! 11 years later, we've tracked some down from some folks who were at our wedding, however they're on film. And we have some now, but they aren't brilliant. Lots of shadow and problems. I'm not ungrateful, not at all, but I'd love to have at least a couple to show in a frame, and . . .these aren't . . .quite ready for that yet :) Also, only one of the pictures is of me and my husband _together_. In most, we're with other family members. Hmmm. I do wonder if any genius can put us together in a photo or two. Slip in my handsome husband in place of my brother, for instance.


I've tried to scan some on my little home scanner and lighten one with Picasa. Anyway, they look horrible :(


Can anyone give me any hints? Is there a business where I can have my pictures fixed? Would anyone here be willing to give it a try, and I'd be happy to reimburse/remunerate, etc.


Thanks so.



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I've used GIMP successfully--at least I was satisfied with my minimal effort and the resulting outcome. GIMP is very similar to Photoshop, but it's a free download. I found very helpful tutorials on youtube, and while I haven't used it, I know there are aids for evening out skintones, for example, when you take a light pic of someone and paste it into a darker photo.


I made a few fun pics (such as the attached) and even cropped in kids who were missing from our soccer team photos.



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If you'd like to email me a few photos, I can take a look at them and see what is possible. I'm not a professional, but I am a photographer who uses Photoshop all the time. I can't promise anything....I'll have to look at the condition of the scans and the angle of the people in the photos in order to see if body swaps are possible. I'll PM you my email address.

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