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I just saw the funniest thing

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My son and I are driving down the road. Actually, my son was driving and I was the passenger. When I see a motorcycle ahead with the driver wearing some sort of strap around his waist. Is it a fanny pack? Nah, the strap isn't' wide enough. Does he not like his shirt flapping in the wind? So I keep watching to find out. As we get closer, I finally see a miniature dachshund sitting on the gas tank wearing a harness which is then attached the strap around the man. The dog is even wearing a helmet! It doesn't move but sits quietly looking straight ahead with its nose pointing into the air with its large ears flapping wildly in the wind. What I wouldn't have given to have my camera right then. :lol:

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LOL!! How cute!! We have a 4 pound Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix and I can just imagine her riding on the back of a motorcycle. I think that one good gust of wind would send her flying into the breeze LOL.


Speaking of funny things while driving, last weekend I saw a tow truck with a kids Power Wheels car on the back. I thought that was too funny....wished I had a camera with me then.

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