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YIKES! I just signed up for a marathon.

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Good luck!!!!!! What training plans are you using? Just curious as I'm currently training for my first marathon using Jeff Galloway. Which marathon are you running?


Mine's in January, so I'm just up to 10 miles so far. I'll be running in my second half marathon next month. I'm SO excited and VERY nervous.


ETA - are your toes really black and blue? Mine haven't done that yet. I'm hoping they don't!!!


Oh - and what are you using to eat on your long runs? I've got Cliff Shots. They don't taste that good, but at least they're mostly organic.

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Good luck! I ran my first marathon (and only) 10 years ago-The Dallas White Rock Marathon. It was a life-changing experience. Thankfully, I never got the black and blue toes. I wish you the very best during the next 8 weeks. Yay for you! BTW-Cliff Shots were my very best friend for the last 1/3 of the run. Love them!

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I'm using the schedule I found here. I changed it to make my long run on Fridays. I think I will tack one more long run onto the end - 22 miles. Then the race would be 2 weeks later, so still plenty of time to taper & recover.


I haven't been eating or drinking anything other than water, but I think I'm going to have to do something. I get up and start running before daylight, so I don't eat beforehand, either. I've tried chocolate gu in the past when I was training for my first half & may use those again. Where do you get cliff shots from?


What is your schedule like? I am really enjoying this one, because I only have to run 4 days a week. Previously, I had been running 5 days a week & really began dreading it.


Thanks for the well wishes! (I joined the running social group, but don't usually take the time to go there.)

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Good luck! I ran my first marathon (and only) 10 years ago-The Dallas White Rock Marathon. It was a life-changing experience. Thankfully, I never got the black and blue toes. I wish you the very best during the next 8 weeks. Yay for you! BTW-Cliff Shots were my very best friend for the last 1/3 of the run. Love them!


Good for you! Do you still run? I'm glad to hear about the Cliff Shots working! My sister swears by them too (she's running the "Goofy" race. Half marathon on Saturday and a full on Sunday at Disney in January!).


I'm using the schedule I found here. I changed it to make my long run on Fridays. I think I will tack one more long run onto the end - 22 miles. Then the race would be 2 weeks later, so still plenty of time to taper & recover.


I haven't been eating or drinking anything other than water, but I think I'm going to have to do something. I get up and start running before daylight, so I don't eat beforehand, either. I've tried chocolate gu in the past when I was training for my first half & may use those again. Where do you get cliff shots from?


What is your schedule like? I am really enjoying this one, because I only have to run 4 days a week. Previously, I had been running 5 days a week & really began dreading it.


Thanks for the well wishes! (I joined the running social group, but don't usually take the time to go there.)


That schedule looks a lot like mine. My mid-week runs don't get up to 8 miles though. But, other than that, it's the same!!


Oh man. I so hear you about not eating beforehand!! When I get up at 6 am, the last thing I want to do is wait until the food digests. I've been eating something light before my long runs and using a Cliff Shot around 45 minutes in. So far, I've only needed one. But, as I get more miles under my belt, I think I'll need 3 − 5. I also stash water along my route.


I also joined the social group, but forget to check it!! LOL

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Awesome! I'm still working towards my first 10K, but... *someday*!


Abbey - when is your 10K? Good luck with the training. I think the 10K is my favorite distance. Long enough to be challenging, but it's not a sprint distance (like the 5K). I just did one on Saturday. We had a BLAST! My ds 14 ran his first 10K and got first in his age group! Ds 12 ran the 5K and got 3rd. Overall a really fun family day!

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Abbey - when is your 10K? Good luck with the training. I think the 10K is my favorite distance. Long enough to be challenging, but it's not a sprint distance (like the 5K). I just did one on Saturday. We had a BLAST! My ds 14 ran his first 10K and got first in his age group! Ds 12 ran the 5K and got 3rd. Overall a really fun family day!


Oct. 23. :) I'm a brand new, baby runner, so a 5k feels in no way "sprint"-like to me. ;) But, you know, I bet I could sprint for a half mile or a mile now, and a few months ago *that* would have been completely unthinkable to me.


My brother assures me that by the time the 10K comes around, I "won't have any problems". Um... Yeah, well, um... We'll see about that! :)


I recently started making the kids do Couch to 5K with me (in addition to my runs on my own). Ds is loving it, but dd *loathes* it. I told her that they have to finish C25K with me, and any days that they can't complete the intervals or if there is whining and fussing, we'll have to repeat. I'm hoping that by the time we *do* finish, she'll actually enjoy doing it as a family. I think we're going to try to do a family 2K early in November...


Anyway, it's been sort of fun going from my firmly entrenched "only when chased by bears" stance to "Okay, well, the *running* part is miserable, but it sure feels good to have *done* it and to see myself improving". :) And one of these days, maybe the running itself won't even be quite so wretched. ;)

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