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friend doing emergency homeschooling

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This is for a 10th grader.


She wants to do geometry, biology, and modern history combined with literature.. using cheap or free resources.


I have a Jacobs Geometry book with answer key to loan her. I am trying to procure lesson plans for this from a friend.


Biology I thought of exploring creation through biology, and am trying to borrow this for her from a friend.


For literature/history, I thought of Notgrass or Tapestry of Grace year 4, but both are probably beyond her budget. I think she needs something fairly self teaching...


If you know of resources, please post... I thought of just printing her the list of novels/literature they use in tapestry of grace, and trying to find study guides for her..

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Check out the many free resources at:




and Ambleside Online. They even have a section for those who are homeschooling in a time of crises, put together right after Katrina hit the Gulf Coast:





Use free audiobooks from Librivox for Literature and other subjects. Down to computer and/or mp3 player




Some free online videos for various subjects at these sites. This info could be supplemented with used textbooks found at thrift stores or with library books:






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Along with the Literature, your friend will also need Writing, Grammar, and Vocabulary to make a full English credit. Below are some free ideas for these, but for English all in one place, or at least the different component done as complete programs, she might want to consider one of these options (most are Christian). Look to buy used either through local homeschool groups, local Craig's list, local used bookstores/yard sales/Good Will stores; or online through the WTM swap board, Homeschool Classifieds website, Vegsource website's homeschooling section, etc.

- BJUP English 10 (downside: uses excerpts, not full works, BUT teaches literary terms and analysis) = http://www.christianbook.com/elements-literature-grade-10-student-text/9781591664291/pd/222158?item_code=WW&netp_id=368215&event=ESRCN&view=details#curr
- IEW's Windows to the World (1 semester course teaches annotation, using 6 famous short stories; also a little literary analysis; also great instruction on how to write a literary analysis essay -- then add in some individual titles and lit. guides to make a full year course!)
- Excellence in Literature I: Intro to Literature = http://www.everyday-education.com/literature/eng1.shtml
- Excellence in Literature II: Literature and Composition = http://www.everyday-education.com/literature/eng2.shtml
- Progeny Press lit. guides for specific titles = http://www.progenypress.com/Catalog/highschool.html

- Wordsmith Craftsman
- Jensen's Format Writing

re: History
Note: the Notgrass History is from ancient to modern times, so if your friend is just focusing on modern times, Notgrass really wouldn't work. I'm not sure they are very much more self-teaching than Tapestry of Grace, but other Christian options for history might be Mystery of History, My Father's World, Biblioplan, or Trisms. For an easy textbook solution, what about BJUP World History (designed for grade 10!) -- the downside is that it covers ancients through modern history, NOT just modern history. Again, for any of these options, look to buy used.

If your friend doesn't mind secular resources, I've listed quite a few free options below. How kind of you to help your friend get started with homeschooling, and BEST of luck to you both! Warmest regards, Lori D.

- FREE online math help for calculations = http://www.wolframalpha.com/
- FREE online Khan Academy Geometry lectures = http://www.khanacademy.org/
- FREE download digital geometry textbook from CLRN (California Learning Resource Network) = http://www.clrn.org/fdti/
- FREE online geometry video course from Annenburg Video = http://www.learner.org/courses/learningmath/geometry/index.html

- FREE online biology text from Hippocampus = http://www.hippocampus.org/Biology;jsessionid=373D59902CD042EDC52297947E9AB67D
- FREE online biology text/videos from NROC (National Repository of Online Crouses)
Biology (1st semester) for AP = http://www.montereyinstitute.org/courses/AP%20Biology%20I/nroc%20prototype%20files/coursestartc.html
Biology (2nd semester for AP = http://www.montereyinstitute.org/courses/AP%20Biology%20II/nroc%20prototype%20files/coursestartc.html
- FREE online Biology lectures = http://www.hhmi.org/coolscience/resources/SPT--AdvancedSearch.php?Q=Y&G67=129&ST=Advanced&RP=100&G5=1&sort=title&AxisPHP=9fbe346d6e60a60c9785767338f519f4
- FREE online Khan Academy Biology lectures = http://www.khanacademy.org/
- FREE download biology digital textbook from CLRN (California Learning Resource Network) = http://www.clrn.org/fdti/

- YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY: Teaching Company series of lectures on DVD
- FREE workbook on Ethics in World History = http://www.ethicsineducation.com/
- FREE video lectures on Modern World History (lectures #41-52) = http://www.learner.org/resources/series58.html

- FREE literature discussion questions for analyzing setting, plot, structure, symbolism, and theme that can be used with ANY literature = http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/mshaw/Revised_Analysis_Sheets%5B.pdf
- FREE literature guides for specific titles from SCORE = http://www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/score/cy912.html
- FREE online literature guides for specific titles from Sparknotes = http://www.sparknotes.com/
- FREE online literature guides for specific titles from Cliff's Notes = http://cliffsnotes.com/
- FREE online literature guides for specific titles from Glencoe Literature Library = http://www.glencoe.com/sec/literature/litlibrary/

- FREE very thorough info on all aspects of writing from OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue = http://owl.english.purdue.edu/sitemap/
- FREE info on writing from Paradigm Online Writing Assistant = http://www.powa.org/sitemap.html
- FREE guide to Principles of Composition from Capital Community College Foundation = http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/composition/composition.htm

- FREE info on aspects of grammar from OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue = http://owl.english.purdue.edu/sitemap/
- FREE guide to Grammar and Writing from Capital Community College Foundation = http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/
- FREE online grammar instruction from English Grammar 101 = http://lessons.englishgrammar101.com/EnglishGrammar101/Foreword.aspx
- FREE older online grammar textbook = http://www.classiclanguagearts.net/workbook.htm

- FREE online Vocabulary Coach program = http://www.vocabularycoach.com/
- FREE online Vocabulary videos from Vocab Ahead = http://wordahead.com/Default.aspx

- FREE online transcript generator from Teascript = http://teascript.com/
- FREE transcript template from PEAH = http://www.homeschool-curriculum-savings.com/homeschool-transcript-template.html

Edited by Lori D.
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